Valuing People When They Are There, Not When We Lose Them

Instead of thinking about what we have lost, we must learn to take advantage and value what we still have and who is by our side right now

Throughout life, we lose a lot of loved ones. We are not only talking about death because on the path of life, significant beings have said goodbye to us or have moved away from us to disappear completely, whatever the reasons.

When we lose someone, a period of recollection and reflection begins . During this period, we try to find a reason for what happened.

The way we move past this moment and the conclusions we draw from it help us face the future, in one way or another.

In this article, we invite you to think about that.

What we lose does not always allow us to move forward “lighter”

Redhead woman with mirror in hand

On this site, we often talk to you about the need to “move forward lightly”, to put aside complex relationships. Because instead of balancing us, they keep us away from happiness.

Now there is something very important. We must move away from what hurts to know how to offer the best of ourselves to the people we love in the “here and now” . Without waiting for the big night or certain things in particular.

  • Today, society is built with criteria of speed and fragility of the link.
    We want everything and now, and we don’t tolerate frustration, whether we are told “no” or that some things are not as we expected.
  • In recent years, a social movement called “Slow” has emerged.
    He advocates the need to slow down our rhythms and live relationships with greater fullness, enjoying the most basic and simple things in life. 
  • Concentration in work, the need to go beyond things, to obtain other things and to accumulate these same things… All of this makes us lose the value of this pure and essential love in our personal relationships.
  • If we maintain this lifestyle, we end up losing what we consider to be really important. And what we lose is a wound that stays in the heart forever.

Haste is the greatest enemy of mindfulness. From this attitude towards life that allows you to go more slowly and appreciate every aspect that surrounds us, and the people who are dear to us.

Strong ties are nourished by sincere tenderness and gratitude. If the people around us don’t feel this way, we run the risk of losing them.

Relationships need to be nurtured and respected. And for that, it is important to slow down and look at what we have in front of us.

Live by being aware of what is important

It may seem obvious, but not everyone is able to set priorities in their life and take care of the important things more than the secondary things.

We know that our professional obligations, for example, are essential to have a family and a life of dignity.

But sometimes you don’t have to go that high or that low because stress or pressure can make us, and even those we love, lose health.

Life is knowing how to maintain a balance. It is being able to reorganize our attention, our interests and our motivation towards things that can enrich us not “materially” but emotionally.

No need to think about “I live today as if tomorrow does not exist, or I kiss my children as if it was the last time”. We must not fall into these fatalistic thoughts. It is simply a matter of allowing us to make the most of the present. 

All loss is experienced with suffering. Even the necessary separations lead to periods of soul-searching where we need to heal our wounds. So, to prevent these situations, you have to prepare.

We must understand that in life nothing prevails forever.

We are brief passengers in a world full of uncertainties.

Existence is itself something cruel because it brings us fatalities. But it is worth looking at the “controllable” space, on which we have an impact. If you love someone, take care of them and show them your feelings so that they don’t move away from you.

We’re not just talking about relationships. Any link requires attention: offer attention, tenderness and respect to your children so that tomorrow, when they are adults, they will always have a reason to come back to your side.

Do the same with your friends and other loved ones.

If you love someone, value them when they’re around, or you run the risk of lamenting what you’ve lost.

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