Ingrown Toenails: Causes And Treatments

Lemon and salt disinfect and deflate lesions. These are two useful ingredients for treating ingrown toenails.

If the skin around a fingernail is red and painful to the touch, your fingernail may be ingrown. It could even be an infection. Find out here how to treat ingrown toenails.

We explain to you what are the root causes of ingrown toenails and we share with you some natural treatments that will help you to cure them.

Ingrown toenails: the causes 

Causes of ingrown toenails

A so-called ingrown nail is a nail that has become encrusted in the flesh that surrounds it. When this happens, the skin of the affected nail turns red and can eventually become infected.

Usually it affects the big toe, but it can happen with any finger.

The most common causes are:

  • inadequate shoes that tighten or do not fit well, especially when we play sports or stand for long hours
  • badly cut nails
  • physical abnormalities, such as a deformity or a particular shape of the toes (one finger can put pressure on the others)
  • genetic factors (some people are born with crooked toenails that are too big or have a tendency to grow downwards)

Ingrown toenails: when to see a doctor?

People who have diabetes, lesions of the feet, ankles or legs, or poor blood circulation in the feet should see a doctor, podiatrist or dermatologist.

If under the inflammation there is pus, the nail is infected. You should then see a doctor as soon as possible.

A doctor can help you identify the root cause of this annoying problem.

Ingrown toenails: natural treatments

Treatment for ingrown toenails

This is a simple, natural home remedy that helps treat ingrown toenails.

  1. Soak your affected foot in warm water for a few minutes several times throughout the day. Once it’s done, dry your feet well.
  2. Gently massage the affected area with a little olive oil or almond oil. If you tend to suffer from infections, add a drop of tea tree essential oil as well, as this oil has antibiotic properties.
  3. Moisten a piece of cotton wool or dental floss, and try to slide it gently under the nail.
  4. When the affected area becomes softer, that is, after performing the process several times, repeat all the steps in the same way and cut your nail gently using a clean pair of nails.
  5. Cut the right nail so as to give it a square shape, and avoid the most ingrown areas, so that the nail gradually recovers.

Thyme water

The previous treatment can be even more effective if, instead of using water, you use a thyme tea.

The thyme is a medicinal plant with many properties. This plant helps fight inflammation and infection and soothes pain. It is therefore an ideal remedy for treating ingrown toenails.

  • Prepare an infusion with a cup of water and two tablespoons of thyme.
  • Boil for five minutes and let stand for five minutes.

A remedy based on lemon and salt

If the prior art didn’t work, try this new, very inexpensive remedy: you only need half a lemon and a little salt.

  • Make a hole in the center of the lemon half.
  • Put a little sea salt inside.
  • Introduce your affected toe. Leave on for twenty minutes.
  • Repeat the operation once a day until healing.

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