How To Avoid Excess Sweating?

The use of antiperspirant, iontophoresis and botulinum toxin is one of the recommended alternatives for treating excessive sweating.

Excessive sweating is a real headache for many people. The good news is that excessive sweating has a solution. Here we will see what it is possible to do to combat this annoying problem.

Excessive sweating, a problem with a solution

Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating is one of the ways the body eliminates toxins and stabilizes the body’s temperature.  This excessive sweating usually occurs when a sport or exercise is played. Or when the temperature and humidity increase considerably.

Why does sweating occur? The basic reason that sweating occurs is to regulate the temperature of the body. In other words, it is the way to cool and protect the organs by keeping them at a stable temperature.

All human beings sweat 24 hours a day. The main problem is when this sweating becomes hyperhidrosis and negatively affects the person who suffers from it.

The main problems that a person with hyperhidrosis usually faces are: stains on clothes due to underarm sweating, discomfort when shaking hands due to palmar sweating or even bad odor on the feet due to excessive plantar sweating.

Undoubtedly, the social repercussions are significant and the safety of the individual is seriously affected.

Types of sweating

different types of sweating

To fight hyperhidrosis, you must first know what type it is. In this sense, we find two types of sweating: primary and secondary. The primary usually stems from stressful or shameful situations, although it is not certain what factors trigger it.

On the other hand, the secondary is the excessive sweating which is usually linked to an organic deterioration. Such as diabetes, fever, overactive thyroid or specific treatment with medication.

The truth is that beyond its categorization, sweating is also categorized into several levels. Where the lowest is almost imperceptible and the highest is the one that generates a problem in the lives of those affected.

How to fight excess sweat?

Experts explain that nowadays there are several options to deal with this uncomfortable problem. Let’s analyze what some of them consist of:

The use of antiperspirant

deodorant against perspiration

The use of a deodorant is well known and can be a solution for those who suffer from a lesser degree of excessive sweating. In the market there are many brands, the components of which may vary to a greater or lesser extent. It’s all about trying until you find the one with the best result.

Botulinum toxin to prevent excessive sweating

In recent years, botulinum toxin has seen a boom as one of the leading treatments for excessive sweating.

What does this consist of ? The toxin is injected into the most affected areas such as the armpits, feet or the palms of the hands. It works by paralyzing the sweat glands for a period of between three and six months. It is a very effective and immediate treatment, its disadvantage is that it is not permanent.


Iontophoresis is a new treatment that may be an option to deal with this problem. It consists of applying light electric currents during a wet bath.

As a result, hyperhidrosis can be controlled for a short time, which can vary from a few hours to a maximum of three days. One of the problems with this treatment is that in some people it doesn’t work. And if it works, it’s for a very short time.


Finally, excessive sweating can be combated with surgery. This is, without a doubt, the most radical option. This intervention must be performed by a professional and consists of a laparoscopic intervention where the nodules of the sweat glands are blocked.

This is the most expensive option and in some cases compensatory sweats appear in other parts of the body such as the legs or even the back.

Regardless of the option you choose, the main thing is that there is good information on this subject and that you turn to a specialist, who is the one who can best guide you around this process.

The good news is that excessive sweating is a problem that already has a solution, it will only depend on the option chosen by the patient and the trusted physician.

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