Find Out The Symptoms Of Appendicitis

To check if your pain is due to appendicitis or just gas, you just need to put a little pressure on the iliac fossa which is located in the middle. right side. If the pain goes away, it’s gas.

Many people are operated on urgently for appendicitis. That is why it is very important to know the symptoms of appendicitis in order to be able to act in time.

But, why does this disease occur? It is caused by inflammation of the appendix which, as you know, is the area where our small intestine begins.

Children and adults alike are affected by this problem, and we’ll walk you through the most common symptoms of appendicitis to find out if you have it. Let’s discover them together.

Symptoms of appendicitis

The type of pain

  • The pain usually starts in the navel. But it gradually spreads to the lower right part of the abdomen, just above the hip.
  • When you squeeze this area, the pain is more intense, sharp, and even unbearable.
  • Your stomach becomes hard.  You have the strange feeling that your stomach is always full. When you press lightly on the abdomen you notice that it is much harder than usual.
  • This is due to inflammation of the intestine, this appendix which has become infected and which can cause many problems.
  • It is possible that when you walk, the pain above the hip becomes more incisive, stronger. Remember that it is always located on the right side.
  • The only time you feel good is when you lie down. The pains go away and you can find rest. But this is only momentary.
  • If you feel great pain or a burning sensation in your abdomen while coughing, it is clear that you have inflammation of the appendix.

You should take into account that if you experience these symptoms, they will worsen considerably in the next 12-24 hours. So you have to go to the hospital urgently. Always try to anticipate, especially in children.

If your children tell you about these symptoms, see your doctor right away.

causes and symptoms of appendicitis

Secondary symptoms of appendicitis

  • Fever. This is a very important symptom. The moment you feel this pain in your abdomen, your body temperature rises. Consult your doctor immediately.
  • Constipation. The infection of appendicitis always results in small intestinal alterations. It is very common to suffer from periods of constipation. It is also possible that when you go to the bathroom, you feel a very strong pain.
  • Loss of appetite.  Just a few bites of food will make you feel full. You may also be suffering from intestinal gas. That you cannot expel, which increases that feeling of heaviness and bothers you greatly.
  • Vomiting.  General discomfort and fatigue usually accompany the symptoms of appendicitis. These are clues that may appear a few days before the pain becomes unbearable, and you should then see your doctor.

What are the causes of appendicitis?

Lymphoid follicle hyperplasia

If the name is complicated, the principle is easy to understand. It is something very similar to what happens in the tonsils or in the pharynx. These are elements that have important functions in the appendix. But if they are inflamed, they expand so much that they completely block this organ.

This then produces infection and fever.  These infection processes usually occur between the ages of 8 and 30, an age group in which it is common to suffer from appendicitis.


Sometimes a lot of residues from the fecal process accumulate in this part of the intestine. This blocks her completely, makes her sick and causes an infection. Good irrigation of the appendix is ​​therefore no longer possible, and an obstruction is created.

Take into account that suffering from continuous periods of constipation puts the affected person at the same risks. Gradually, the intestine becomes lazy, causing inflammation, infections, etc. This problem can even derive in very dangerous cases of peritonitis.

Appendicitis or inflammation of the appendix

The walls of the appendix are covered with small pieces called hair follicles. As we told you before, they strongly resemble tonsils. Sometimes, certain diseases or foreign bodies cause bacteria to attach themselves to these follicles, and make them sick.

This is something very common. But it’s always good to keep in mind that our gut is full of bacteria. These can sometimes be harmful, causing us to get infections like appendicitis.

Remember, you need to take care of your diet. This doesn’t mean that you are never going to get appendicitis. But that you can at least reduce the risk of it happening.

Detoxify your body and be careful not to have prolonged periods of constipation, to keep your body healthy.

Drink plenty of water, consume fiber, fruits and vegetables. And don’t forget to include probiotic foods in your diet . For example, kefir or Greek yogurt have exceptional properties to provide us with good bacteria, capable of protecting us.

Another way to protect yourself is to drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon every morning . This helps to cleanse us of these negative toxins that bother us, and provide us with excellent vitamins to start the day.

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