How To Prepare A Celery And Pineapple Smoothie For Weight Loss

Thanks to their diuretic and detoxifying properties, pineapple and celery can be a great help in losing weight and fighting against water retention.

Pineapple and Celery Smoothie is a very refreshing drink that also helps flush out retained fluids. Its two main ingredients are indeed rich in water and therefore have diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Since it helps to easily expel retained fluids and reduce inflammation – primarily – in areas such as the abdomen and legs, we believe it helps with weight loss.

Smoothies as supplements for weight loss

There are many complementary methods available today that can help  enhance the effects of dieting for easier weight loss.

Although this is not about adopting “miracle” or other plans, some preparations – like the pineapple and celery smoothie – can be useful to supplement the diet in a healthy way and, of course. certain way, give a “boost” to metabolic activity.

One of the most popular alternatives is delicious fruit and vegetable smoothies. They are in fact simple, natural and low-calorie drinks which can also help to prolong the feeling of satiety  and to avoid the consumption of industrial drinks and edible products.

We will share the Pineapple Celery Smoothie recipe below so you can enjoy it whenever you want. Don’t miss it!

Pineapple and celery smoothie, a delicious drink for weight loss

By combining the properties of pineapple and celery, we can achieve a healthy and light drink that acts as an ally to expel retained fluids, reduce inflammation and, in a way, lose weight.

These ingredients have diuretic properties that  help relieve water retention and associated discomfort. 

The benefits of pineapple for weight loss

pineapple and celery smoothie

Pineapple is a delicious tropical fruit that became popular as an ally for weight loss. Not only because of its light calorie intake, but because it is satiating and promotes the elimination of fluids retained in the body.

  • Its flavor, between sweet and sour, goes very well with other ingredients and reduces that desire for sugar that usually appears at certain times of the day.
  • It has a digestive enzyme called bromelain  , which improves the digestion of proteins by facilitating their breakdown into amino acids. This substance is also a natural anti-inflammatory.
  • On the other hand, this fruit contains water, vitamin C and essential minerals that support the functions of the excretory organs and, in particular, the kidneys.

The benefits of celery for weight loss

pineapple and celery smoothie

According to data from the Spanish Foundation for Nutrition (FEN),  “after cucumber, celery is the vegetable with the lowest energy value”. Celery is a food that can provide a certain amount of protein, potassium, and flavonoids. However, it stands out for its high water and dietary fiber content.

Like pineapple,  this food has diuretic properties that help  fight water retention. This disorder that triggers inflammatory problems and metabolism difficulties. Therefore, it was chosen as the ingredient for the next smoothie.

Pineapple and celery smoothie recipe 

The pineapple and celery smoothie can be consumed as part of a weight loss diet. It should nevertheless be used in moderation. In other words, consume the smoothie as a supplement and never as a substitute for main meals.

This drink can help control eating anxiety and avoid snacking on unhealthy foods, such as candy and snacks. 

Its properties promote the elimination of fluids through urine, thus helping to reduce inflammation and lose weight.


  • 3 pineapple slices
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • The juice of ½ lemon
  • Optional: fresh parsley and lemon wedges (for garnish).


  • Cut the pineapple slices into several cubes and the celery into small pieces.
  • Pour into the blender and add a glass of water.
  • Mix for a few moments, until you obtain a smooth drink without lumps.
  • Add the juice of half a lemon.
  • Serve immediately.

pineapple and celery smoothie

Does the smoothie have immediate effects?

It is important to keep in mind that  the weight loss effects of this drink may vary  depending on the metabolic activity and habits of each person.

If you maintain a good lifestyle in general, you will be able to see the benefits more easily than if you maintain a poor diet full of excess and a sedentary lifestyle.

Remember, if you have any questions about how to eat healthy to achieve all of the goals you have in mind,  you can always consult your doctor and a nutritionist.

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