The SAVERS Method, Habits That Change Your Life

The SAVERS method is a 6-step method to be carried out every morning to start the day. Find out in this article.

The SAVERS method is based on six morning exercises that help you achieve your goals, both personally and professionally. More than a method, it is a philosophy of life that will change the way you look at things and help you focus on your goals. Here we tell you what this method is and how to carry it out.

What is the SAVERS method?

The SAVERS method was created by Hal Elrod and was published in the book The Miracle Morning. He explains the six steps you will need to take every morning to orient your life and reach your goals.

Hal Elrod suffered a serious accident which he miraculously survived and which left him with very little damage. In this book, he talks about his experience and what he got through his philosophy of life, carrying out this ritual.

The name of the method reflects each first letter of the 6 steps you need to complete every morning. Here they are :

  1. S for Silence
  2. A for Affirmation
  3. V Visualization (Visualization)
  4. E for Exercise (exercise)
  5. R for Reading (reading)
  6. S for Scribing (write)

This method is based on the following belief: depending on how you start the day, it will always flow, one way or another. So if we start the day by being focused on the goals to be achieved, it will be easier for us to get there.

On the contrary, if we spend the first few moments of our day paying attention to other less important things, such as looking at WhatsApp or emails, we often deviate from our goal during the day.

SAVERS and direct its goals during the day.

What are the steps to follow ?

The first thing to know about this method is that you will need to wake up an hour earlier than usual every morning. For some, this is a wasted effort, but the author says it is essential to have time to complete all the steps.

1. Silence

It is about remaining in silence for 5 minutes immediately after waking up. It will reduce our stress and anxiety levels. These minutes can be used to meditate, reflect, focus on our breath, or set a goal.

2. Affirmation

It is based on repeating certain phrases, goals or objectives that will make us feel better about ourselves. We can use phrases we have thought of, such as song lyrics or readings.

The basis is to repeat them every day to improve our mood and our self-esteem, because with this we will start our day with much more strength and energy to achieve our ends.

3. Visualization

This step will also take us five minutes. We will spend them visualizing ourselves as if we have already achieved the goal we have set for ourselves.

It may sound strange, but by repeating phrases that remind us that we can make it happen, and imagining that we have been successful, it will be easier for us to focus on achieving the goal.

4. Exercise

We will spend at least 20 minutes on this stage. During these 20 minutes, we will choose a type of exercise that we like to do. This will help us activate our body and fill us with energy.

It is advisable to do aerobics, which will activate our body. But we can do any exercise that makes us feel good. It could be a short yoga, pilates or running class.

The exercise for the SAVERS method.

5. Reading

As with the exercise, we will spend 20 minutes reading something we like. It can be the newspaper, the novel that intrigues us right now, or any text that motivates us or helps us focus.

6. Writing

Finally, we will spend the last 20 minutes of this ritual writing. By “writing” we refer to writing ideas that cross our mind, goals, or just a journal.

It must be written by hand in a notebook dedicated exclusively to that.

The SAVERS method in the routine

The author, as well as many followers, assure that by carrying out this routine on an ongoing basis, your life and the way you see things will improve. This will make it easier for you to achieve these goals.

However, you alone have the power to change your life, and you must go all out to complete this routine, or other methods that will make you achieve your goals. Maybe it won’t be exactly as the author describes, but you can adapt these principles to your daily life.

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