Tips For Treating Overweight And Colon Addiction

In addition to a poor diet, the health of your colon and liver can also suffer from stress, anxiety or worry.

Overweight can be caused by different factors. It is true that sometimes certain factors like genetics, stress or an alteration of the thyroid cause an increase in weight, but an intoxicated colon or liver can also have an influence on being overweight.

You’ve probably gone through times when no diet was effective. Your metabolism then becomes slower and it is very difficult to eliminate the fat that accumulates in the stomach and hips.

In this case, the advice of a doctor and a nutritionist will always be the most adequate. However, we recommend that you put into practice a series of tips that we are going to give you in this article.

Relationship between poisoned colon and overweight

Relationship between poisoned colon and overweight

Our body often suffers from numerous hormonal and metabolic changes throughout our life. It is therefore normal that at times it is difficult to lose weight and that you even tend to gain a few pounds for no apparent reason.

As a result, you start to follow drastic diets with which you feel more depressed, hungry, and with generalized malaise.

We must approach the problem from a new perspective, since it is not about eating less but about eating well, as well as improving our good habits, physical and emotional.

Here are some signs that can clearly tell you that your colon is poisoned and that you need to change some of your habits to avoid being overweight.

  • Abdominal swelling
  • Gas, general malaise
  • Constipation alternated by several days of diarrhea
  • Tired
  • Headaches  due to “saturation” of our  liver and colon. As a result, they are not able to properly absorb the medications we take for headaches.
  • The tongue is very white, with a very bitter taste upon waking.
  • At certain times of the day you may feel hungry, or on the contrary, you may not have an appetite. These variations lead to the continuation of bad eating habits which therefore worsen our general health.

Indications to cleanse the poisoned colon and fight overweight

1. On an empty stomach

  • A spoonful of extra virgin olive oil (20 grams) with a few drops of lemon juice.
  • A glass of lukewarm water with the juice of half a lemon
  • A glass of water with a spoonful of sodium bicarbonate (20 grams) mixed with the juice of half a lemon.

As soon as you wake up, you should take these remedies on an empty stomach for 10 days in a row, then stop for a week.

If you prefer, you can alternate them. They are very easy to prepare and will allow you to purge your body, strengthen the colon and liver, alkalize your body and get the right vitamins. 

2. With breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day that will allow us to work our metabolism to fight overweight.

Here are some great options for a full breakfast: 

  • Greek yogurt with a teaspoon of flax or flax seeds. Green tea. An Apple.
  • The juice of a papaya. A bowl of oats with 5 almonds.
  • Blueberry juice. A sandwich of rye bread with a hard-boiled egg cut into strips, with a drizzle of olive oil.
  • Greek yogurt with a kiwi in small pieces. A pear.
  • Grapefruit juice. A spinach omelet.

3. The importance of drinking two liters of water per day

It is very important that you remember to drink plenty of fluids every day. It will also help you flush out toxins, and improve the functioning of your liver and kidneys. 

If you have the mall to drink these 8 glasses of water, add a little lemon juice to it to make it more pleasant.

4. The best infusions

There are 5 very suitable infusions to cleanse and revitalize the colon, to drink after each meal.

  • Mint.
  • Thyme.
  • Sage.
  • Anise.
  • Chamomile.

5. A remedy to cleanse the poisoned colon and fight overweight

remedy to cleanse and strengthen the poisoned colon

Take note of this recipe that you will have to take twice a week, in the morning or in the afternoon. It is a drink as delicious as it is therapeutic.


  • A leaf of nopal.
  • The juice of an orange.
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera (20 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


First of all, you will have to cook the nopal leaf with the aloe vera. For this, when the water begins to boil, add the spoonful of aloe vera gel and the nopal, then cook for 20 minutes.

Once the cooking time has passed, turn off the heat and add the orange juice. Then m mix everything in the blender to obtain a very homogeneous mixture.

You can also add a little honey, if you prefer. 

6. Lose your bad habits

There are a number of bad habits you need to break from your daily routine to fight overweight and take care of your liver and colon health.

Take note:

  • Learn to deal with your emotions, anxiety, worries and stress. Because they have direct consequences on the functions of many of our organs such as the colon or the liver.
  • Improve your habits, take a walk for a good half an hour every day. Take care to have always positive relationships, but put aside toxic friendships.
  • Eliminate fats, sugars and prepared meals from your daily life : they are not well absorbed by the body, they irritate us and make us sick.

Start feeling better and fighting overweight today!

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