A Spoonful Of Cinnamon With Honey For Your Health

To enjoy the benefits of these two ingredients, you should know that the amount of cinnamon should always be half the amount of honey.

You don’t have to be a fervent defender of natural medicine to realize that nature provides us with great remedies to treat specific ailments. As for example, this remedy of cinnamon with honey very good for your health.

Sometimes, our lifestyle, punctuated by haste and stress, makes us resort to vitamins bought in pharmacies rather than an adapted, balanced and above all, conscious diet.

Today in this article we are going to remind you of what you have surely heard from your grandparents: “Take a spoonful of cinnamon with honey every day for good health”.

Are you ready to put it into practice today? We will give you good reasons to do so!

The cinnamon and honey mixture: an ally for the heart

If you want to get the maximum benefit from this remedy, take it in the morning.

In this way, your heart health will thank you for all these reasons:

  • Honey and cinnamon are two foods with anti-inflammatory properties, which take care of the health of the veins and arteries.
  • They allow us to strengthen the heart muscles and regulate hypertension.
  • In addition, they fight against arteriosclerosis and allow us to balance the levels of cholesterol in the blood.

It helps us have better digestion

If you tend to suffer from acidity and your digestion is rather slow, do not hesitate to follow this advice:

  • Consume a spoonful of honey (25g) with a spoonful of cinnamon (10g) 20 minutes before your meals.
  • In this way, you will control the level of stomach acids and you will benefit from better digestion. The balance of the walls of the stomach will be ensured and you will also avoid inflammation.
  • Thanks to cinnamon and honey, you will be able to digest heavy foods like meat for example more quickly. 
  • Your intestines will not contain toxins or yeast, and you will be able to absorb nutrients better.

Cinnamon and honey to lose weight little by little

Cinnamon and honey do not cause body fat loss. It is a daily supplement that allows you to lose weight little by little, from the moment you follow a suitable diet and do a little exercise.

  • To successfully lose extra pounds, do not forget to consume a spoonful of cinnamon with honey on an empty stomach, followed by a glass of water. Wait half an hour before having breakfast.
  • Before sleeping, start this remedy again. So your metabolism continues to function while you are resting. Remember to be regular!

Say goodbye to pimples and blackheads

Got an inflamed pimple that you don’t know how to cover up?

Don’t worry, the combination of cinnamon and honey is a simple and effective technique for solving cosmetic problems.

We cannot forget that during World War II, faced with the shortage of antibiotics, many Red Cross nurses applied honey to wounds to relieve infections.

So remember that this is a good natural antibiotic that is excellent for treating occasional problems.

To remove a pimple or blackheads, make a small paste with honey and cinnamon, and apply it to the affected area. Leave it on for half an hour and rinse it off with lukewarm water.

You will see that you will get good results!

Cinnamon and honey for arthritis pain relief

Several research carried out by the University of Copenhagen, revealed that combining cinnamon with honey reduces pain associated with arthritis. 

For this, you have to be regular and take it for at least a month to see results. So, follow this advice to feel relieved:

How to prepare the remedy for arthritis?

  • 1 teaspoon of honey (25 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon (10 g)

Just mix the cinnamon and honey. Always remember that cinnamon should be half the amount of honey in terms of quantity.

Take this delicious remedy every morning on an empty stomach. If you do this for 30 or 35 days, you may notice more flexibility in your joints, and relief from pain and inflammation.

Cinnamon and honey for natural beauty

When you’re healthy on the inside, it shows on the outside.

Taking a spoonful of cinnamon honey every day helps fight cell oxidation, an aging process that affects our skin day after day.

If you want to fight oxidation and inflammation and improve the elasticity of your skin, take note of this remedy.


  • 1 teaspoon of honey (25 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon (10 g)
  • Then, 1 glass of water


  • Heat the glass of water. It should be lukewarm, never cold or excessively hot. Dissolve the spoonfuls of honey and cinnamon in it, and consume this mixture every day on an empty stomach.
  • Then you will notice that your digestions improve, that you suffer from less water retention and that you feel lighter. Day after day, this inner balance will be reflected on your skin. How to resist ?

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