An Apple Every Day, A Gift For Your Health!

Eating an apple a day can help us lose up to 1.5 kg in a few months without dieting.

Eating fresh fruit, especially an apple, is a highly recommended habit. Indeed, fruits provide us with vitamins and fibers that facilitate the proper functioning of the various systems in our body.

However, the apple is, according to the results of several studies, the one that seems the most beneficial because of its multiple qualities!

Eating one or two apples a day improves the condition of our heart and circulatory system.

It can also reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer  and promotes weight loss. Reading this article will help you discover the benefits of apples if you eat them every day!

An apple to prevent arteriosclerosis

An apple to prevent arteriosclerosis.

Several studies have shown that people who eat at least one apple a day have low LDL (bad cholesterol) and high HDL (good cholesterol).

There will therefore be less chance of atheromas (plaques) forming on the walls of the arteries, which are the cause of arteriosclerosis and hypertension, and which increase the risk of suffering from a heart attack.

The protection against cardiovascular diseases that the apple gives us, if it is consumed on a daily basis, is practically similar to that provided by a preventive treatment based on statins.

According to a study recently published in the Medical Journal . If a person is already undergoing statin therapy to control their blood cholesterol levels, they should not be stopped.

Indeed, it should rather supplement it with the consumption of an apple per day to obtain even better results!

Those who do not have a problem with high cholesterol, however, can take care of their heart and arteries simply by enjoying a delicious apple every day.

Protection against colon cancer

The skin of apples contains pectin. It is a kind of natural fiber which, by fermenting in the large intestine, seems able to inhibit the formation of cancer cells.

According to revelations made following a study carried out in Germany. Thus, eating apples would decrease the risk of developing colon cancer.

Apple promotes weight loss

This fruit has beneficial effects on the cholesterol level in the blood and on the intestinal cells. Apple can help us lose weight.

Various studies have verified that people who eat an apple a day lose approximately 1.5 kg in a few months without following a special diet.

Eating apples won’t work wonders. However, be sure that you can reap the benefits of their health benefits and shed those few extra pounds that are weighing you down.

The apple promotes weight loss.

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Other benefits of regular consumption of apples

There are still many other qualities to discover in apples, so tasty.

Although it is not a fruit especially rich in vitamins, the apple contains quercetin, a powerful antioxidant which therefore prevents the premature aging of the tissues.

On the other hand, the apple is rich in potassium.  It is a mineral that has a diuretic effect and therefore prevents high blood pressure due to water retention.

Finally, certain phytochemicals present in apple have an anti-inflammatory effect on the respiratory tract.

They relieve the symptoms of asthma, as found in a study carried out at the University of Aberdeen.

As we have seen, eating an apple a day is therefore without doubt a habit that can improve your health in many aspects. How about starting today?

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