7 Foods You Should Not Eat If They Are Already Expired

Once expired, although the appearance does not show it, the food is no longer fresh. They can therefore develop many dangerous microorganisms that can represent a risk to our health.

In search of reducing food waste, many experts recommend taking advantage of certain products which, even if they are close to their expiration date, are still fit for consumption.

This virtue, however, is not applicable to all food groups.  Some can indeed be dangerous when consumed after their expiration date.

The problem comes from their decomposition process which is done more easily. They also tend, by their nature, to contaminate themselves with different types of bacteria and other toxins that affect health.

It is therefore very important to start looking at the labels before using the products while knowing what should not be consumed when the recommended consumption date has passed.

We will therefore present to you below the 7 main foods that you should not eat if they have expired.  So you can pay attention to them the next time you prepare them.

Discover them!

1. Soft cheesesfood

Unlike hard cheeses, which can keep for a very long time, even when they have expired, the composition of soft cheeses makes them unsafe when they reach their expiry date.

  • This strain is quite conducive to the development of harmful bacteria such as Listeria Monocytogen , the infection of which leads to troublesome digestive problems and adverse reactions at the immune level.

2. Minced beef

If meat consumption is to be done under strict hygiene and safety standards, it is very important to take into account that chopped or cut varieties are more prone to contamination by harmful bacteria such as E. Coli.

This is due to their nature representing a more suitable environment for the growth of these microorganisms and which thus facilitates their development.

Once their expiry date has passed, there is a high probability of infections by:

  • E. Coli
  • Salmonella
  • Listeria and Monocytogen
  • Staphylococcus aureus

The action of these bacteria releases dangerous toxins in the intestine which, over time, affects its functions in the digestion process.

3. Fresh berriesfood

One of the reasons why it is recommended to freeze berries before they go bad is because when they start to decompose, a bacteria called Cyclosporine grows on its watery surface, the infection of which produces symptoms of disease. annoying poisoning.

4. Cold cuts or cold meats

Cold cuts and cold meats contain chemicals that make them look fresh despite the days that go by.

However, when they are expired, their structure begins to break down and there is a high probability of contamination by bacteria such as Listeria and E. Coli.

As a general rule, it is recommended to consume these products during the first week after opening.

5. Raw eggsfood

For many decades millions of cases of food poisoning and infections caused by eating raw or expired eggs have been treated.

Although they are delicious and necessary in all types of food, it is fundamental to provide them with safe handling and cooking, always before the indicated date.

It is also important to pay attention to foods that have this food in their composition, such as:

  • Mayonnaise
  • Blanks
  • Desserts
  • Sauces

One of the main problems with eating unhealthy eggs is the intestinal infection caused by Salmonella.

6. Shrimps

Shrimp not only change composition once the deadline has passed, but the more time passes the more it becomes a hotbed for the growth of harmful bacteria and germs.

This variety of foods, which are rich in nutrients, should be eaten as soon as possible after the date of purchase.

In addition, they must be handled on hygienic surfaces, away from other foods that could cause contamination.

7. Chickenfood

Chicken is one of the most recommended lean meats for supplying complex amino acids and carbohydrates to the body.

However, when raw, it is a food that must be handled with great care, on hygienic surfaces and free from bacteria.

Giving it a bad thawing process or eating it after its expiration date can cause serious intestinal infections from the action of E. Coli and Salmonella .

Now that you know what foods to throw away when they are expired, try to buy only what is needed to eat them before they break down.

Likewise, try to handle it with care and store it properly to avoid contamination with harmful pathogens.

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