The Best Alternatives To Remove Annoying Calluses On Feet

Anyone can get corns on their feet, whether from friction or tight shoes. For aesthetics and comfort, it is recommended to eliminate them.

Corns or calluses are a common problem throughout the population. There are different types with different stages or phases of growth and the location may vary from person to person. In this article, we present you alternative methods to remove calluses from the feet.

In any case, the beginning of its appearance is the same, it is a defense mechanism of the skin against the continuous friction of the shoe, or by constant pressure on a particular point of the foot.

In principle, this is a podiatry problem with no major medical consequences. However, if not treated properly, over time it can lead to pain of varying severity that makes walking difficult.

People with diabetes should take care of their feet to avoid infections or major complications from calluses.

Corns are generally conical in shape and appear mostly on the tops of the toes. On the other hand, calluses refer more to more diffuse and wider presentations, especially on the sole of the foot.


As we mentioned earlier, among the causes of calluses on the feet are:

  • Protective mechanisms against friction and repeated compressions.
  • In people with bunions, it is common for them to develop calluses on the top of the bunion from the friction of their shoes.
  • Abnormal anatomy of the toes and bone structure of the feet (hammer toes, bunions).
  • Wear shoes that are too tight or that exert too much friction on specific points of the foot.
  • Biomechanical abnormalities that cause gait disturbances that cause an excessive increase in pressure in a specific area of ​​the foot.

Symptoms  calluses on the feet

The main symptoms of corns on the feet are as follows:

  • Appearance of a harder than normal skin surface anywhere on the foot
  • Soft skin growth between the toes
  • Pain when walking, putting on shoes, or difficulty performing activities due to occasional pain in any part of the feet

Risk factors

Any condition or activity that can cause increased friction and pressure can lead to the development of calluses on the feet.

Having said that, you might conclude that corns can affect anyone. However, there are specific risk factors that are worth considering:

  • Changes in the anatomy of the foot
  • Abnormal walking
  • Onions
  • Unsuitable shoes for overworking the feet
  • Using tools or objects that put excessive pressure on specific areas of the foot, such as cycling or skating

Home remedies and other options to treat calluses on the feet


Pumice stone, the callus file , is one of the best known and most used tools for removing small calluses in the comfort of your home. Today there are many more modern versions of the famous pumice stone. But in any case, the correct mode of use is similar.

 calluses on the feet

What do you need ?

  • pumice

How to do ?

  • First, soak your feet in hot water for 15-20 minutes.
    Then we slide the pumice stone in circular motions from side to side. Occasionally, soak your feet in water to get rid of dead skin.
  • You should continue the treatment until you notice that the surface of the skin has become even.

Aspirin and lemon

Aspirin has been shown to have very positive effects in treating foot fungus and that thick skin formed by constant pressure. It contains a fat soluble component known as beta hydroxy acid, which is used by many companies in the manufacture of creams and exfoliating products.

Lemon is known for its antioxidant, cleansing and disinfecting properties. It is ideal for treating calluses and reducing them noticeably with constant treatment.

What do you need ?

  • 7 crushed aspirins
  • The juice of one lemon
  • 1 bandage

How to do ?

  • First put the 7 crushed aspirins in a small bowl, add the juice of one lemon then stir until a paste is obtained.
  • Then apply to the area with the calluses and put on the bandage.
  • It is important to do this procedure before going to bed. With continuity, the calluses will disappear.

White vinegar

White vinegar is a product that everyone has at home or can easily buy. It is not uncommon for it to be used to remove corns, as it has long been used to relax the feet and combat. the mushrooms.

What do you need ?

2 tablespoons of white vinegar (30 ml)

How to do ?

  • Wet a cotton ball in vinegar then rub in a circular fashion in the area with calluses.
  • It is necessary to leave it for 2 hours and then repeat this procedure until the corns disappear.

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