How To Fight Bad Breath In A Natural Way

Hydration is fundamental to prevent the proliferation of bacteria in the mouth. To decrease halitosis, it is important to drink at least 6 glasses of water per day.

Bad breath is a shameful state of affairs for people who suffer from it, and very disturbing for those around them.

Although in the vast majority of cases it is associated with poor oral hygiene, we also know that it is not always the case.

Indeed, it can find its origin in various affections, such as an infection of the gums, liver problems, or chronic sinusitis, among others.

It is estimated that around the world, 80 million people suffer from this disorder chronically, and that this condition is mainly related to dental and gum problems.

However, because of the social rejection they face, patients with it are afraid to talk about it, even with the experts in the matter.

Taking into account that the bacterial proliferation on the tongue, gums and teeth is the main cause of halitosis problems, we are going to share with you some remedies that will allow you to fight this phenomenon in a completely natural way.

Brush your teeth well

Brush teeth against bad breath.

Daily use of a toothbrush (at least three times a day) is one of the most effective ways to reduce the concentration of bacteria in the mouth, which develops from the leftover food that comes from our diet. .

How to brush your teeth properly?

  • Brushing should last at least 2 minutes, and it is essential to use toothpaste that can help protect the teeth.
  • In addition, you can apply a little baking soda to your teeth to reduce their acidity and prevent the proliferation of bacteria that generate bad breath.

To drink a lot of water

One of the main causes of bad breath is the dryness that occurs on the tongue, and throughout the mouth, due to dehydration.

Regular consumption of water is therefore essential if you suffer from bad breath.

This gesture will also allow you to get rid of the remains of food and bacteria, accumulated in the different areas of your mouth.

How to drink adequate water?

  • For good hydration, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, divided into different intakes throughout the day.
  • You should not drink the water all at once, as it could cause negative effects, such as overhydration.

If you suffer from chronic dryness, it is essential to see a doctor to receive saliva replacement drugs, which are most often found over the counter.

Consume fennel

Fennel has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, which can slow down microbial growth in the mouth, and therefore neutralize halitosis.

How to properly consume fennel?

  • You just need to consume a spoonful of fennel. By chewing it well, to freshen your breath and stimulate your saliva production.
  • You can also ingest its seeds when you eat foods with a strong odor.
    They will be even more effective if you combine them with cloves, or cardamom.

Using cinnamon

This very popular spice which has so many uses in cooking and medicine, has active ingredients which are able to reduce bad odors in the mouth.

Aldehyde acid, an essential oil it contains, has a strong antibacterial action, which drastically reduces the amount of bacteria present in saliva.

How to use cinnamon properly?

  • Prepare an infusion of cinnamon, then use it as a mouthwash.

Chew parsley

One of the most used plants to fight halitosis is parsley.

It contains a significant amount of chlorophyll. This allows it to fight bad breath in a natural and effective way.

How to properly chew parsley?

  • Dip the parsley leaves in a little apple vinegar, then chew them for a few minutes.
  • You can also enjoy the benefits of this plant by consuming it in the form of juice. Especially if your bad breath is caused by digestive problems.

Drink lemon juice to fight bad breath

The acid in lemon has an alkaline effect. Capable of reducing acidity in the mouth, slowing the action of harmful microorganisms.

Its powerful antiseptic and antibacterial action eliminates bacteria that cause bad odors. To leave only a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

How to drink lemon juice adequately?

  • Dilute the juice of one lemon in water. Then use this liquid to make a mouthwash. Right after brushing your teeth.
  • For best results, you can add a little salt.

Do not forget !

All of these remedies work as great supplements for relieving bad breath, which is a very troublesome disorder.

However, they require constant application to be able to give satisfactory results.

In addition, if this condition is caused by a health problem or a serious oral infection, it is better to consult your dentist for more appropriate treatment.

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