Changing Your Diet To Naturally Control Type 2 Diabetes

It is important to monitor our diet to control type 2 diabetes. We must also contact a specialist who will advise us on the most suitable foods in our case.

Diabetes is one of the most common illnesses in today’s society. This disease comes in two forms. Type 1, which we have to control with the supply of insulin. And type 2 diabetes, which we can control with the right diet.

We have decided in this article to explain in detail  how to readjust your diet to control type 2 diabetes  . So, if you are suffering from this condition or have a family history, take note of our advice.

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Type 1 diabetes

When the pancreas stops making a hormone called insulin, it is called type 1 diabetes.

Without naturally produced insulin, the patient therefore necessarily needs to go through the artificial intake of this substance. According to different studies, this type of diabetes is genetic in nature and therefore cannot be avoided.

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes also involves insufficient insulin, but this is not absolute. In other words, insulin is produced, but not in sufficient amounts.

It can also happen that a lot of insulin is produced, but it does not work well.

Insulin and glucose

readjusting your diet in case of type 2 diabetes

You may have noticed that we have mentioned insulin a few times. C ette hormone plays indeed a very important role in our health because of its action on glucose.

U do of the food we eat is transformed into glucos e. This is a very important process for our body because glucose is our main source of energy.

Insulin allows glucose to reach the cells that need it. The glucose that remains in the blood when we lack insulin then causes health problems.

Diabetes control

The two types of diabetes differ mainly in the following points: in the first case, there is no production of insulin, while in the second, it exists, but remains deficient.

The  type 1 diabetes can therefore not be controlled s years artificial supply of insulin. This is not the case with type 2 diabetes, in which it is possible to take certain measures that have the power to regulate it.

This does not mean that people on insulin therapy should not be concerned about their diet. Nor that patients with type 2 diabetes should not take any medication, as it is often necessary.

It just indicates that a  good diet  can play a crucial role in controlling type 2 diabetes. So special attention should be paid to it.

How to control type 2 diabetes

Regulate your glucose intake

It is a mistake to think that your blood sugar will only increase if you eat sweets. Glucose is produced as a result of our consumption of certain foods, even if they are not sweet.

It is important to clarify this. Many people with type 2 diabetes believe that by stopping eating sugary foods they no longer run the risk of increasing their blood sugar levels. This is therefore false. You should know that carbohydrates also increase glucose levels.

Eat complex carbohydrates

what to eat in case of type 2 diabetes?

Just because carbohydrates convert to sugar in the blood doesn’t mean you need to stop consuming them. Just because you have type 2 diabetes doesn’t mean you have to eliminate an entire nutritional group.

What you should do, however, is research the  best foods from each food group based on your condition. In the case of carbohydrates, choose those that are complex.

In other words, it is better to eat whole grain rice, whole grains, vegetables, and seeds rather than pasta, flour, jams, and processed grains.

Don’t abuse sweeteners

It is important to avoid the consumption of sugar, as it has a direct effect on your blood sugar. However, if you still want to eat foods with a sweet taste, you can opt for sweeteners.

The possibility that sweeteners cause unwanted effects is, however, the subject of much discussion. You must therefore consume it in moderation, so as not to harm your health.

Eat protein

Protein does not have the same effect as carbohydrates. In other words, they don’t turn into glucose. It is therefore a type of food that  you can eat without worrying about affecting your blood sugar level.

Beware of fats

Fat doesn’t turn into glucose, sure, but it does raise cholesterol levels.

This can make your condition worse if you have diabetes. It is therefore very important to improve your diet at this level.

Eat foods that help absorb insulin

Also eat products that help you absorb insulin better. Not only should you eliminate processed glucose foods from your diet as much as possible, but you should also be  looking to generate better function from the insulin you produce. To do this, you can consume coconut oil, mushrooms, and cinnamon.

As you can see, there are many foods that can affect your diabetes. While these tips can be effective, however, always check with your doctor what type of diet you should be following.

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