The Chakras: What Are They And What Are They Used For?

The chakras are energy points whose balance helps us stimulate our vital energy and achieve greater physical and mental well-being.

A wide variety of complementary therapies of oriental origin, recognized for their ability to promote well-being, have become popular in the West in recent years. There is little  evidence of their safety and efficacy. The testimonies of those who tried them nevertheless aroused the interest of many patients. So we want to tell you a bit about the chakras  and their uses below .

According to sources such as  Wikipedia ,  the  chakras  originate from Hinduism and  refer to immeasurable energy centers located in the body, especially from the perineum to the area of ​​the aura that is located at the top of the head. There are seven, according to the Hindu tradition. Each has a specific energetic vibration that relates to aspects of life and health. Let’s see this in more detail.

What are chakras and how do they work?


The term  chakra  comes from Sanskrit and means “circle” or “disc”. According to Hinduism,  the chakras are 7 energy centers located in different parts of the human body. They function as “valves” regulating the flow of energy and, depending on their location, vary in their vibratory force and speed.

In India, it is believed that inhaled air (known as prana energy  ) passes through the body, energizing the energy centers. The  chakras  receive, accumulate and distribute prana to optimize the functions of various parts of the body

That’s why they use dep uis ancient times as a resource of energy medicine, which suggests that they can help improve certain ailments and health problems.

However, although studies have been done on this subject, such as the one recently published in  Global Advances in Health and Medicine, there is not enough strong evidence to guarantee their usefulness against diseases.

According to such research, the chakra system  is linked to the body’s endocrine system. In addition, as we mentioned before, they have 7 centers of vital energy, mainly concentrated on the spine.

7 life energy centers of the chakra system 

  1. Muladhara  or root chakra,  associated with the adrenal glands.
  2. Svadhisthana  or   sacral chakra ,  associated with the ovaries in women and the testicles in men.
  3. Manipura  or   solar plexus chakra , associated with the pancreas.
  4. Anahata  or   heart chakra ,  associated with the thymus.
  5. Vishuddha  or   throat chakra ,  associated with the thyroid.
  6. Ajna  or   third eye chakra (located between the eyebrows),  associated with the pituitary gland.
  7. Sahasrara  or crown chakra,  associated with the pineal gland.

As producers of energy vortices,  healthy chakras provide energetic information through which the body’s systems create an overall information system, which will affect well-being.

However, more research is still needed to determine whether these types of therapies really help fight disease through the subtle energy generated at these points.

What feelings are the chakras associated with?

Despite the lack of evidence, hakras  continue to stand out in alternative medicine as an adjuvant against problems with the mentioned glands. Moreover, according to the Hindu and Buddhist texts which speak of them, they are also associated with certain feelings.

1. Muladhara or root chakra

The Muladhara or root chakra is said to provide feelings of security and protection.
  • It is located between the anus and the genitals. It connects to the corticosteroid glands.
  • Its home color is red. Its element is earth.
  • He is blocked by fear. So we have to let our fears come out clearly to release them.

2. Svadhisthana or sacral chakra

  • It is located in the sacrum .
  • Its color is orange.
  • Its connecting element is water.
  • He is blocked by guilt. But we must free ourselves from it in order to be able to forgive.

3. Manipura or solar plexus chakra

According to beliefs, having this balanced chakra contributes to good digestive health.
  • It is located two fingers above the navel.
  • Its color is yellow.
  • Its element is therefore fire.
  • He is blocked by shame.

4. Anahata or heart chakra

  • Located in the heart region .
  • Its color is green.
  • Its assigned element is air.
  • It is blocked by pain, but is related to the feelings of the heart.

5. Vishuddha or throat chakra

This chakra is related to communication and creativity.
  • It is located in the throat region .
  • The corresponding color is blue.
  • Its element is ether.
  • It is related to communication.

6. Ajna or third eye chakra

  • It is located between the two eyes.
  • Its corresponding color is purple.
  • It is also associated with intuition and taste.
  • But he is blocked by the illusion.

7. Sahasrara or crown chakra

  • It is located on the top of the head.
  • Its corresponding color is purple or indigo.
  • He is blocked by social links.

Chakras to promote well-being

The  chakras  are another resource that oriental medicine offers us as a complement to promote well-being. However, given the lack of evidence, it is important to consider it as a therapeutic option and not as a first-line treatment for diseases.

To learn more about its benefits and practice, it is wise to seek expert help. They are often combined with other healthy therapies, such as yoga, quartz baths, and deep breathing exercises.

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