Discover Simple Strategies Against Flaccidity

To eliminate bacteria and impurities that take away elasticity from our skin, it is important that, even if we have not put on makeup all day, we cleaned our faces every morning and every night.

Flaccidity is an embarrassment for people who suffer from it.  How can we fight it? How can we reduce its impact to have a firmer body and face?

Sometimes we invest large sums of money in beauty treatments to firm up our skin.

However, thanks to a few very simple tips like the ones we are going to present to you, you will be able to considerably improve your appearance.

1. The importance of temperature

Temperature is something that very often is beyond our control because we cannot avoid its variations. But it is still possible to take some steps to change it.

You should know that the ideal temperature to prevent the skin from drying out and losing elasticity is between 20 and 21 degrees. The ideal humidity is between 40 and 70%.

What steps can you take to ensure that the temperature does not cause flaccidity problems? 

  • If you have heating or air conditioning in your home, keep the temperature between 20 and 21 degrees, as described above.
  • The cold wind is the other enemy of your face. It evaporates the water contained in our skin and makes us lose our natural hydration.
    During winter, remember to always use a good moisturizer, or a good makeup base, which will provide you with adequate hydration.
  • You should also be careful not to take showers or baths that are too hot, as they can dehydrate your skin.
    They are certainly ideal for opening the pores of the skin, and for detoxifying you, but it is ideal to finish your toilet with a little lukewarm or even cold water.
  • To balance the loss of moisture generated by the effects of temperature, it is ideal to be well hydrated from the inside. So remember to drink two liters of water a day.

2. Remedies for sagging breastsagainst flaccidity

Even though it may sound strange, our breasts accumulate a certain amount of weight which causes the skin to lose much of its elasticity and firmness.

It is therefore very important to follow daily  small routines that help fight against flaccidity, and which will be of great use to you.

  • Daily 15-minute exercises:  a single daily session of very simple exercises will allow you to strengthen the muscles of your chest, but also to restore their firmness.
    You can, for example, stretch your arms above your head, or perform small push-ups with your hands leaning against a wall, as you can see in the image above.
  • Another simple strategy to fight against flaccidity is to perform a light massage with ice cubes on your chest for one minute. Wipe them over the skin of your chest, then dry yourself off and dress normally. It is an effective way to tone the skin and muscles.
  • The mask with egg yolk, cucumber and olive oil. .
    • Ingredients
      • 1 egg yolk
      • ½ cucumber
      • 40 ml olive oil

How to prepare it? 

You just have to mix all the ingredients, then mix them together to obtain a homogeneous cream. Then apply it to your chest, and leave it on for 20 minutes.

Then shower as usual. The ideal is to perform this mask twice a week, to firm your chest in no time!

3. The Best Foods to Firm Your Breast

Another strategy to fight flaccidity is to take care of your diet.

Did you know that there are foods that can help you firm the skin on your body and face? Take note of the list we are going to give you, and don’t hesitate to include them in all your dishes!

  • Salmon, tuna and sardines 

If you like fish, don’t hesitate to include it 3 times a week in your dishes. They are rich in omega 3 and contain an effective enzyme to fight against flaccidity.

In addition, they have vitamin B, an essential element for strengthening the skin, hair and nails.

  • Eggs 

Egg white is a natural source of protein,  rich in amino acids, ideal for taking care of our skin.

  • Turkey

Do not hesitate to consume turkey, because it is low in fat and contains very little cholesterol, especially when compared to red meats.

It also contains a high protein content, which makes it an excellent ally for strengthening our muscles.

  • Citrus fruits

Lemon, orange, and grapefruit (or pomelo)  are exceptional sources of vitamin C, an essential building block for turning fat into energy.

How about enjoying a good natural juice every morning? You can also include lemon juice in the water bottle that you take with you every day.

4. Daily deep cleansing of the faceagainst flaccidity

Whether you put on makeup or not, you are bound to need to clean your face at the end of the day.

Environmental pollution causes particles to cling to our skin, in the same way as sweat, fat or bacteria, which are all factors that dry out our skin and cause it to lose its elasticity.

A good strategy against flaccidity is to use micellar water. You can find them in any store devoted to beauty.

It is not very expensive and can effectively cleanse the skin, keeping it young, elastic and toned.

Do not hesitate to put these few tips into practice on a daily basis, and you will notice an improvement in your skin.

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