Make Your Own Shoe Closet

Whether or not you like to have your accessories visible, it is recommended that you store them in a specific place. This will help you avoid delays and annoyances.

A shoe closet is a great option for storing our shoes and having them in plain view. In this way, we avoid having a pair here, a pair there, in several rooms.

In general, disorder makes us lose everything and especially, when we are in a hurry. This is why we must always try to find the most suitable alternatives to our case (and our spaces) in order to put everything away.

Below we present you 3 great ideas for you to make your own shoe closet. You will find that you don’t need a lot of materials, the steps are very simple, and the entire process takes little time.

Aspects to take into account

The shoes must be stored in a suitable place, not only for an aesthetic question of storage, but also because this way we will avoid losing them or even damaging them.

We may unwittingly step on a sandal or shoe covered with a delicate fabric: like suede or silk.

However, when you have a shoe closet, consider how many pairs of shoes you have, the different types, and how often they are used. It is advisable to group the shoes according to these criteria, so it will be easier to find them.

The place occupied by sandals or heels is not the same as that of boots. On the other hand, sports shoes, if they are among the ones you wear most often, should be close at hand.

By using a shoe closet, you will be able to know how many shoes you have and where they are. This is the reason why you cannot miss the following recommendations. Now is the time to get down to hands-on manual activities.

1. Shoe cabinet made with pallets

shoe closet

You can make your own shoe closet with pallets. You can easily find them at any greengrocer or in supermarkets, as well as in drink warehouses.

It is very fashionable nowadays to give a new use to this type of elements. Aesthetically, they are very original and you can embellish them using different decorative art techniques.

You can also use wooden crates for fruits or vegetables. The number of pallets will depend on the amount of shoes you have. You will also need a free wall to install them like a painting. This shoe closet will look great in your bedroom if you place it in plain sight.


  • 1 hammer
  • Sandpaper for wood
  • 1 or 2 pallets (depending on what you will need)
  • Paint or varnish (depending on your choice of decoration)


  • Take a pallet and, using the hammer, remove every other large plank on the horizontal part. Do not remove the ones on the side. The end result should be some kind of frame for a painting.
  • Then, using the hammer, remove the remaining nails.
  • Sand all the wood well.
  • Paint according to your taste. We recommend natural tones that look great, with varnish or aquamarine paint and then varnish.
  • Once completely dry, you can place it in the place you have chosen. The idea is to place it on a wall because it should look like a painting.

2. Shoe cabinet made of wood

Another way to create your own shoe closet is to use wooden or metal shelves as shelves. Obviously this option works as much to leave the shoes in view as to store them in your closet.

The good thing is that you can give the shelves the height you need, without wasting space. On the other hand, in this case you will also need a free wall to install the shelves.

An unused wooden ladder can be a good place to store shoes. You can paint or varnish it to your liking. Use the steps to make shelves that can be different sizes, to give an informal look.


  • Rectangles in wood or metal of about 1.40 m
  • Brackets for shelves or ladder
  • Screws to secure it to the wall (if using brackets).
  • Paint or varnish


  • Take the wooden rectangles and paint or varnish them according to your taste.
  • Take the measurements of the wall where you want to install it.
  • Place the brackets or ladder in the chosen location.
  • Place the shelves there.
  • Store your shoes at your convenience.

3. Shoe cabinet made of cardboardshoe closet

The third of the most useful alternatives for making your own shoe closets is affordable, fun, and easy to make. In this case, the material used will be cardboard. So this is a good way to recycle it.

The great thing about this alternative is that you can do as much as you want. For example, you can make one for each pair of shoes. On the other hand, you can easily renew them with other cardboard boxes.

We will build small triangular spaces to install our pairs of shoes. In this case, you don’t need a lot of space as you can leave it in plain view or install it at the bottom of a built-in cabinet. We will see below how to achieve it:


  • Cardboard
  • Rule
  • Pencil
  • Tape
  • Paint brushes
  • Acrylic paint


  • Take a 40 by 40 cm cardboard box and using a ruler, mark it and fold it into three equal parts. You can change these measurements depending on the size of the shoes. For a child you can use 20 by 20 cm.
  • Fold the cardboard over the marked part and form a triangle.
  • Glue it with scotch tape so that it does not come undone.
  • Paint it the desired color, both inside and out.
  • Make a horizontal line of triangles and place a cardboard base on top. On this basis, continue to place the compartments you want.
  • Make as many floors as you want.

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