11 Tips For Treating Bloating

Some people are more prone to bloating than others

Sometimes when we put on our pants or our skirt we find that we are suffering from bloating.

This problem can be due to an accumulation of gas, to too much food. It can also be a symptom of certain illnesses.

Ultimately, whatever the reason, however, we want to prevent this from happening and we want to quickly regain a feeling of lightness.

Do you want to reduce inflammation and naturally eliminate bloating?

Reduce your salt intake

One of the main reasons for water retention is excessive salt intake.  Indeed, in addition to making us feel heavier, we suffer from bloating and this inflames part of our stomach.

Whether it is present as a condiment in your dishes, or in the composition of processed foods, salt is the enemy of your health and your body.

Drink more water to get rid of bloating

woman drinking water to eliminate bloating

We indeed need a large amount of water to keep us hydrated and to prevent and combat water retention.

Experts recommend drinking at least two liters of water a day, which is great for helping us prevent constipation, one of the main causes of a swollen belly.

Eat slowly

It is indeed very important to take your time to eat slowly and to chew food well.

This good habit thus contributes to a healthy digestion which helps us to prevent the appearance of the inflammation of the belly.

In addition, people who chew their food well achieve fullness more quickly. This therefore makes it possible to eat in smaller quantities and less often.

Avoid carbonated drinks

Soft drinks and bloating

Drinks containing gas promote the presence of gas, in a very logical way, in our body.

This can therefore cause inflammation in our stomachs and generate problems such as excess gas or flatulence.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the healthiest foods we can fit into our diet.

Indeed, they are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and are essential for the proper functioning of our body.

This type of food improves digestion, prevents water retention, helps burn more fat, and fights abdominal bloating.

The most recommended fruits and vegetables for this kind of problem are carrots, oranges, melons and peaches.

Reduce your intake of foods that generate gas

However, some very nutritious foods  can cause problems such as gas and flatulence.

These foods include beans, peas, lentils, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions and peppers.

If you suffer from an overly swollen stomach, however, it is not recommended to stop consuming these foods which are generally good for your overall health. But you should slightly reduce your consumption.

You can reduce your consumption especially when the symptoms are very present or when you have a special event and you do not want to display a bloated belly.

Avoid fried foods

fries on a plate

Fried foods digest slowly and cause bothersome bloating in your abdomen area.

Indeed, their high fat and salt contents lead to rapid weight gain and cause water retention.  

Eat small portions

To prevent and combat bloating, it is recommended to eat small portions of food several times a day.

Indeed, they will be much easier for your stomach to digest and therefore they will not make your belly swell.

Eat small amounts of fiber


Fiber is a food recommended for good digestion and thus to avoid disorders such as constipation.

Experts recommend consuming foods high in fiber to combat bloating, lose weight, and easily achieve fullness.

However, they should not be consumed in excess as they can cause abdominal distension. 

Have a good physical activity

Exercise is the best way to work out our stomachs and thus improve our overall health.

Doing physical activity also improves our digestion, reduces constipation, fights water retention, helps to lose weight and also brings a feeling of well-being which improves our quality of life.

To have a flatter stomach, we can practice exercises focused on the abdominal area.

Juices to deflate the stomach

parsley juice

Some natural juices can help deflate our stomachs quickly to obtain a slimmer, firmer and also more aesthetic silhouette.

The green smoothie

This delicious green smoothie will help us improve our digestive function, promoting the elimination of waste from our body and allowing us to achieve a flatter stomach.


  • A lawyer
  • A handful of spinach
  • A ripe banana
  • A glass of apple juice
  • Of honey

How to prepare it?

Put all the ingredients in a blender and turn it on until you get a creamy texture.

Papaya and oat juice

This delicious juice thus combines the properties of papaya with those of flax and oats. Its properties thus help to improve our digestive functions and also prevent bloating.


  • A cup of chopped papaya
  • A spoonful of flaxseed
  • Two cups of water
  • Two tablespoons of raw oats

How to prepare it?

Then mix all the ingredients for a few minutes, drink without filtering and preferably on an empty stomach.

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