9 Tips To Take Care Of Your Teeth Naturally And Effectively

To take care of your teeth, in addition to basic hygiene, you should know that there are certain foods and products that can be harmful to your teeth. the teeth.

We should all take care of our teeth from very early childhood, to prevent problems like cavities, gingivitis, sores, tartar or infections.

This would give us pretty, healthy teeth and avoid many unpleasant visits to the dentist.

So discover, below, the 9 best tips to take care of your teeth with diet tips, good habits and home and natural remedies.

Take care of your teeth naturally

To take care of your teeth naturally, you have to take into account the various factors that influence their appearance and health:

  • Food
  • Hygiene
  • Toothpaste
  • Whitening products

If you start a treatment that takes all of these factors into account, you will achieve profound and visible results in a short time and will be able to prevent dental and oral problems in the long term.

1. Avoid sugar

We all know that white sugar has harmful effects on health and teeth. However, we need to know its effects well to completely eliminate it from our diet.

Our body also needs calcium to assimilate white sugar, and it will therefore steal this mineral from food or wherever it is found, for example, in teeth and bones.

In addition, sugar acidifies the body, and especially our mouth, which predisposes us to all types of dental disorders.

You can also replace sugar with:

  • Bee honey, agave or maple syrup
  • Coconut sugar
  • Xylitol

2. Fight against acidity

The gastric acidity that many people suffer from also affects the health of the mouth through gases that arise from the stomach and alter the pH of saliva.

To regulate acidity, it is therefore necessary to have a very alkaline diet, rich in fresh vegetables, dried fruits and seeds.

3. Using dental floss

Many people do not yet floss, even though it is an essential habit in dental care.

This should be done every day to remove food scraps that get stuck in the teeth and prevent tartar and infections.

4. Choose a suitable toothpaste

We recommend avoiding most toothpastes because they contain sulphates which gradually damage the pH and flora in the mouth, and make it vulnerable to any infection.

There are natural toothpastes without these substances, and flavored with essential oils.

You can also make them at home, by mixing the following ingredients:

  • White clay for oral use
  • Baking soda
  • Ceylon cinnamon powder
  • Dry and ground mint leaves
  • Stevia powder

5. Watch out for mouthwashes

Conventional mouthwashes contain alcohol and other components that are too aggressive for our teeth.

  • If you want to cool off and have a pleasant taste in your mouth, you can try rinsing yourself with oils diluted in water.
  • We also recommend that you mix mint and lemon oil.

However, make sure that they are pure essential oils, suitable for consumption, and not synthetic essences harmful to health.

6. Vegetable charcoal to whiten teeth

The best natural remedy to whiten teeth without damaging enamel is charcoal, a black powder which, despite its appearance, has the ability to lighten the color of the teeth.

It is indeed very effective in absorbing toxins and particles, and dragging them out.

One day a week, brush your teeth with charcoal to notice its whitening benefits.

7. The oil print

The oil drawing technique is beneficial both for taking care of teeth and health in general.

8. Sources of calcium

In the diet, calcium is important for strengthening the teeth. It is found in the following foods:

  • Dairy products
  • Cod
  • Sardines
  • Sesame
  • Broccoli
  • The almonds
  • Beans
  • Parsley
  • Spinach

9. Green tea with stevia

Finally, we recommend that you consume every day, in the middle of the morning or afternoon, an infusion of green tea sweetened with stevia.

  • Green tea is very beneficial for the teeth and the gums thanks to its contribution in catechins, which are antioxidants.
  • However, it is necessary to consume green tea without meals so that it does not alter the good assimilation of iron.
  • Stevia, on the other hand, prevents cavities, gingivitis and mouth ulcers.

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