9 Tips To Stop Snoring Easily

Did you know that obesity, just like drinking alcoholic beverages, makes us snore? By losing weight, we can improve this condition as well as our quality of life.

Snoring is a common disorder that affects many people around the world, also impacting those who do not have it and who share the bed, or bedroom, with them. It is often difficult to know how to stop snoring.

Snoring often interrupts sleep during the night, causes problems falling asleep and affects our quality of life.

Snoring is more common in adults and is usually not related to a health problem.

However, when snoring becomes chronic, very frequent and prevents you from falling asleep, it is most likely sleep apnea, a disorder that causes the sufferer to hold their breath, sometimes for up to 10 seconds. in a row, while she sleeps.

While snoring in general is not related to health problems, it is often a sign that we need to change our lifestyle, eat a healthier diet, and start doing more physical activity.

If you regularly suffer from this problem, we will explain how to fight it.

Maintain your healthy weight

Obesity can cause snoring.  If an overweight person snores, they are advised to lose 10% of their weight to improve their quality of life and solve their problem. 

Do not consume alcoholic beverages

Alcohol to stop snoring.

Consuming alcoholic beverages, especially before sleeping, relaxes the tongue, tonsils, palate and mouth, making sleep very deep and making snoring easier.

No smoking

Smoking irritates your upper respiratory tract, the very  ones that cause chronic snoring. Stopping this bad habit will help keep you from snoring, but it will also improve your overall quality of life.

Sleeping on your side

Sleep on your side to stop snoring.

Sleeping with your mouth upwards causes the tongue and palate to be positioned at the entrance to the throat, which blocks the flow of air and leads to snoring. It is therefore recommended to sleep on your side.

In addition, it is advisable to sleep with several pillows to keep the air duct in our throat open and prevent snoring.

Regarding this good habit of sleeping on your side, the book of Home Remedies from the Clinique de Mai recommends sewing a tennis ball on the back part of the pajamas, causing certain discomfort for the person who snores while being on the back, l ‘strongly encouraging then to sleep on the side.

Gargle with mint

If snoring is the result of a cold or allergy, gargling with mint is an effective way to fight it.

To do this, dilute a drop of mint essential oil in a glass of water. And gargle for several seconds (don’t swallow the water). You can use mint tea instead of the essential oil.

Drink a small cup of coffee

Coffee to stop snoring.

If you don’t overdo it, caffeine can help you fight snoring. It will make sleep less deep, improve the functioning of the oropharynx, and ultimately prevent snoring.

Consume nettle tea

If snoring is the product of an allergy, it is very important to clean the bedroom and remove any dirt that can make this problem worse.

Then it can be very effective to prepare a nettle tea. By adding a spoonful of dry nettle leaves in boiling water, and drinking it all before going to bed.

This plant is considered a high quality natural antihistamine.

Have good nasal hygiene

Nasal hygiene to stop snoring.

Cold weather and contact with air conditioning can generate scabs and secretions on the nasal membranes. Which can block the airways and cause snoring.

To stop snoring, it is recommended to wash your nasal passages with saline solution. Preferably before going to bed.

Avoid irritating foods to stop snoring

The consumption of heavy and difficult to digest foods before going to bed, such as dairy products, wheat. Fat, among other things, generates stomach reflux which irritates the walls of the nostril and pharynx. And that causes snoring.

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