7 Tips For Preparing Light, Low-calorie Dinners

With the arrival of good weather, we want to eat healthy and fresh meals. We offer you 7 ideas for light and low-calorie dinners.

In order to comply with the recommendations of a healthy diet, you can try to prepare light and low-calorie dinners. This will also allow you to avoid digestion problems overnight.

The trick for a light dinner is to include legumes and whole grains. These are ingredients that can be prepared quickly, are very filling, but don’t make your stomach bloat (unless you overeat).

1. Stuffed avocado for a light, low-calorie dinner

Empty half an avocado, cut into small pieces and mix with other ingredients that make you happy.

For example, with tomatoes, peppers, apple pieces, parsley, fresh cilantro, spring onions, garlic, sweet corn, grated carrot, etc. Serve in the avocado rind, which serves as a bowl. Even though it may seem small, half a good sized avocado can hold a lot.

light and low calorie dinners

2. Salad rolls

With the leaves of a romaine salad, you can make fresh little rolls in a very short time and enjoy what you have in the fridge.

Just cook a little brown rice, add avocado, peppers, onions, broccoli, kale, sprouts or sprouts, beets, pickles, olives or capers) , grated carrots, small corn on the cob, etc.

To roll them well, use the softer parts of the salad. While the parts closest to the stem can be cut into julienne and added to the garnish.

3. Country salad

To make another one of these light, low-calorie dinners, you just need to follow these steps:

  • Prepare a batch of small steamed potatoes and let them cool. Use 2 or 3 and keep the rest in the fridge for other dishes.
  • Just cut them and mix them with grated carrots, onions, strips of red peppers, olives and a few chopped tomatoes.
  • Season with olive oil and lemon or vinegar. You can add tahini, which makes it even creamier.

What remains of the salad can be stored in a bowl for the next day in the refrigerator. If you add a little mayonnaise to the vegetables and mash it with your fork, you have a really good, fresh sandwich filling.

4. Fruit salad

Use what you have and fruit in season. Apple, pear, melon, cherry, blueberries, raspberry, banana, etc.

Cut everything into small pieces and garnish with natural unsweetened soy yogurt and a pinch of lemon juice. And, if you wish, mint leaves. You can put on top of the coconut whipped cream sprinkled with a touch of cinnamon.

The only trick for fruit salads is to choose very tasty, ripe fruit. Then take them out of the refrigerator just before preparing the salad so that they are very fresh. Also, to get the best quality produce, buy fruit from a fruit grower or market rather than the supermarket.

5. Varied vegetable pâtés

Another good option for light, low-calorie dinners is vegetable pâté. What’s more, the best thing about them is that they will last for several days and you can use them for other meals.

Prepare hummus, eggplant pâté, mushroom pâté, etc. Have some for dinner with slices of whole wheat toast, a salad with tender leaves, tabbouleh, etc.

In addition, hummus is also used as a seasoning. Just add a little more liquid, like water or a vegetable drink without sugar, for a very tasty sauce, perfect for salads or lean meats.

6. Homemade gazpacho

The perfect dishes for a light dinner in summer are gazpacho and salmorejo. If you like to make your own gazpacho, here’s a little trick: cut the cucumber into slices and let it soak with a drizzle of vinegar or lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Then drain, wash and add to the rest of the ingredients.

light and low calorie dinners

Don’t forget the garlic, you can also use roasted garlic. You can take advantage of a day of cooking vegetables on the grill to add a few heads of garlic to the barbecue, then put them in the fridge and keep them for when you need them.

7. Broths and soups

Finally, another good idea for making light, low-calorie dinners is to use broths or soups. Part of a clear broth, for example water with a little dried shiitake mushrooms.

And, if you wish, a small piece of kombu seaweed. Add a good tablespoon of miso when it starts to boil, then remove from the heat.

To these broths, you can add a little cubed tofu, grilled tempeh, half a cup of cooked quinoa, cooked brown rice or other cereals you have already made, or leftovers from a previous meal. .

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