7 Things To Avoid When You Suffer From Anxiety

These things that are best avoided in case of anxiety, so as not to aggravate the already numerous symptoms.

Many of us are used to being recommended a lot of techniques for dealing with anxiety.

Phrases like “take things lightly” or “make changes in your life” fill our heads but don’t serve us much yet.

The reason we stop being receptive to this whole body of advice is because our mind is already working on another goal. He is under absolute control of excessive worry, negativity, and lack of self-control.

In this state, it is very difficult to slow down.

Also, sometimes, even on vacation, we feel exhausted and so out of ourselves that it is common to experience an anxiety attack.

On the other hand, it is necessary to know that many of the strategies we use to treat anxiety are limited only to treating the symptoms but not to the root of the problem.

Practicing meditation, going for a walk, or even taking an anti-anxiety medication helps alleviate symptoms. However, what triggers anxiety is still within us.

Therefore, it is also necessary to know what is not advisable to do when we are suffering from anxiety.

In this way, we will get to know this internal “demon” much better so that we can control it, weaken it and regain control over our lives.

1. Do not give too much importance to events, stop “brooding”

not giving so much importance to events to avoid anxiety

Get up, break the cycle of those lingering thoughts that deteriorate your balance and calm throughout the day.

  • We need to be aware of when a thought, picture, phrase or memory begins to become persistent in our head.
  • When we do this, the ideal is to divert attention to another goal that is more positive or that relaxes us.

Playing sports, painting mandalas or talking with someone can help us do this.

2. Don’t run away from your problems

Your job is causing you so much anxiety that you have asked for time off. Problems with your partner are so numerous that you prefer to spend more time away from home, to be late …

  • All of these behaviors are direct means of running away from what bothers us and worries us.
  • Never move on to tomorrow with the boredom of the issues you are feeling today. If you do this, you will accumulate more and more worries, anxieties and frustrations in your mind. It will form a negative ball that will not leave room for anything else.

3. Do not anticipate what has not yet happened

If I do this, it will happen. When I say that, this will happen. If I change that, what I don’t want will surely happen …

When these types of thoughts resonate with you, keep in mind that this is the most damaging and limiting anxiety trait that humans can suffer from. This is where catastrophic thinking prevents us from living fully and responsively.

No one has a crystal ball to know what can or cannot happen tomorrow. Focus your attention on the present and control negativity.

4. Do not “watch” yourself so much, let go

Those who have suffered the most from a panic attack fear that it will happen again. Sometimes they develop so much anxiety that it is this fear that leads to new appearances, new attacks.

  • We need to avoid watching ourselves so much, be aware of our palpitations, our heart rate. To think that if I go, I will be nervous, that if I do that, I will lose control …
  • We must be able to take a turn and allow ourselves to be more open and confident, in the face of what scares us, because it is precisely behind these borders that we find calm and balance.

5. Don’t live in anxiety

do not live with anxiety

It is a very common mistake: to think that anxiety is an enemy to be avoided at all costs in itself.

  • The secret is to  coexist with anxiety, preventing it from controlling us.
  • We need to understand that anxiety is part of being human. It is she who helps us avoid risks, which helps us survive and even gives us the energy and motivation to achieve what we want.
  • However, when this crippling emotion takes control and takes our happiness away, something needs to be done.

We have to find the root of the problem. Taking the time to have a conversation with yourself is necessary to turn negative anxiety into positive.

6. Avoid hanging out with certain people

It might sound odd, but sometimes the focus of our anxiety can start with a specific person robbing us of happiness every day.

  • Maybe it’s our couple, this complicated and harmful love that turns us into someone we are not.
  • It can also be a global context, like a work environment in which we do not adapt.
  • Finally, it may be this family nucleus in which we do not feel we belong.

The best thing in these cases is to identify the foci of our anxiety and to establish possible solutions or mechanisms of action to resolve these problems.

7. Don’t stop living because anxiety robs you of quality time

Even if we don’t realize it, it does happen. Anxiety takes away our life, our desire, and even our identity.

  • It makes us someone new, someone we don’t like and who is nothing like who we were before.
  • Don’t allow him, don’t allow this identity and happiness thief to leave you with nothing. Take control, take the reins, and navigate your inner world to find the problem and the possible outcomes.

Also remember that when you want to manage anxiety, it is necessary to use a multidimensional approach.

Medication can help. However, we also need to include cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, and good support from your loved ones.

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