7 Simple Tips To Drink More Water Every Day And Improve Your Health

If you are tired of drinking water, you can add small pieces of fruit or aromatic herbs to it. to give it taste and make its consumption more pleasant. You can gradually alternate with natural water.

How many times have you told yourself that you should drink more water throughout the day and just haven’t been able to keep up?

This simple habit is one of the best remedies for many health problems, as well as for preventing disease.

Check out 7 simple tips below to effortlessly drink more water every day.

Drink more water to improve your health

If you are thinking about drinking more water, you should know that this habit will affect your health in a very positive way because it:

  • Will improve kidney function
  • Relieve inflammation and pain, especially in the knees and necks
  • Will make our skin and hair more beautiful
  • Will allow us to fight constipation
  • Will help us reduce water retention and swelling

1. Always take your water bottle with you

Always take your water bottle with you to drink more water.

The first tip to remember to drink water is to get used to always carrying a full bottle of water with you, at least one liter, in order to refill it twice a day.

This bottle will accompany you wherever you go, so that you can drink without wasting time and in the most convenient way.

Get in the style of those who always carry their bottled water for the day.

2. Try ice cubes and lemon

If it is difficult for you to drink water because you are used to drinking other drinks like juice, coffee or carbonated drinks, you will have to go through some kind of detox process and get your body used to drinking. more water and love it.

A good way to start this change is to drink water with ice cubes and lemon, and you can even add a few drops of pure stevia to sweeten it without adding calories.

Little by little we will combine this lemonade with water alone.

3. Give the water a little taste

Give the water a little flavor to drink more water.

Another option to make the water more attractive are flavored waters.

This consists of soaking fruits, flowers or aromatic plants in water for a few hours before consuming it.

The effect is very visual and we get drinks with a very light taste which will help us to drink more easily, even to convince other people to try our original drinks.

4. Set alarms or reminders

If despite these tips it is still difficult for you to drink water and you only remember at the end of the day, when it is already too late to drink everything, we have a practical solution for you: set alarms or reminders.

They will help you drink regularly, instead of drinking too much at once.

A little note at your desk, on the fridge or in the bedroom, or repeated reminders on your phone will help you integrate this habit into your daily life.

Then you won’t need to use any reminder anymore.

5. Exercise

Exercise to drink more water.

One way to drink more water is to increase the perspiration in our body to make us thirstier.

And the best way to sweat is to practice intensive sport at least twice a week.

With a sport session it is likely that we will increase our consumption by half a liter or a liter and without any effort, because the body will ask us to do so.

Outdoor sports are also a great option. By always being accompanied by our bottle.

6. Drink at the right time

In order for drinking water to have medicinal properties as we have clarified, we will always have to drink on an empty stomach.

  • The most important time is fasting, when we have just woken up and haven’t eaten yet.
  • We can drink at this time, little by little, two or three glasses of water in small sips.
  • We will drink the rest of the water in the morning or afternoon.

If we are having trouble getting to sleep, we should avoid drinking after dark.

7. When hunger is actually thirst

Drink more water when you are hungry.

Did you know that very often we eat when we are not hungry but because we confuse it with the feeling of thirst? You can take the test.

When you feel hungry between meals, drink a good sip of water and wait a few minutes. This will not only help you drink more water, but also control your weight by not eating on impulse.

A glass of water half an hour before eating can also help us, as we will be consuming more moderate amounts.

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