7 Simple Tips To Clean The Most Inaccessible Places In Your Home

The most important thing to do in cleaning is organization. You should know that you have to clean from top to bottom, to prevent dust from dispersing throughout the room.

Cleaning the house is never an easy task. There are areas that are more inaccessible and sometimes keeping them clean and in good repair is almost an impossible task.

Today, we offer you several tips to make this task easier and simpler.

Do not hesitate any longer and take note!

1. Do a wet cleaning on the walls

Use the right equipment and don’t hesitate to clean your walls every two months.

To do it correctly, the best is to choose suitable utensils and soak them with water, because this is the only way to clean thoroughly.

The most purifying solution is water, which is able to remove 90% of dust.

To do this, simply use a damp cloth hanging from a stick that allows you to pass it through all corners of the walls.

2. Clean from top to bottom

When you clean, you need a certain technique and there are some more recommended methods than others.

It is therefore best to clean from top to bottom. Thus, dust from one area will not fall on another below. 

In addition, you can prevent the simple act of cleaning from turning into a never-ending task. You will have results quickly and efficiently.

3. Watch out for filters and air vents.

It is important that these areas are always spotless. Otherwise, even if you clean other areas, your house will never stop having dust, since these are the places where it accumulates the most.

In supermarkets and specialty stores you will find the tools and products you need to be able to clean these delicate little areas to perfection!

There are special brushes and articles intended for this purpose.

4. Clean your rugs and carpets

To clean rugs and carpets, you should apply steam to them at least once a month.

In addition, you will have to vacuum it every week: a quick gesture that will require little time and that will prevent the proliferation of mites.

In case you need to buy a rug or you think about changing soon, know that it is better to choose models made from fabrics, which are not synthetic.

They are known to attract much less dust.

5. Baby wipes, your great allies

Baby wipes can be a big help with cleaning.

They are useful both for removing dust from any surface but also for cleaning stains from clothes. They do not stain and the result is more than guaranteed.

In addition, they can be of great help in the event that you are looking to clean your computer screen. Do not hesitate any longer and get some if you don’t have one!

As you can see, you will be using them for a lot more things than you expected.

6. Vacuum in the smallest nooks and crannies

The vacuum cleaner is one of the machines that can not be missing in a house, to do a thorough cleaning. Of course, it fails to reach every corner.

However, with this simple trick, you will get there much more easily!

Just put an empty roll of toilet paper at the end of the device, in order to reach the most inaccessible places in the house. And they are also probably the dustiest.

7. Tips for cleaning your plants

Plants must also be cleaned if we do not want them to become a real dust nest, which is fatal for our health, and especially for the respiratory system.

Plants are the home’s lungs, since they are responsible for filtering the air from impurities and dust. 

To be able to clean them, you will need to spray them with water regularly. This will give you better quality air for you and yours.

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