7 Natural Headache Remedies

Natural headache remedies are highly recommended. It is always better to try to control symptoms by natural means than by medication. In addition, these treatments are generally very effective.

Headaches are headaches with specific characteristics. Indeed, they: 

  • Manifested by oppressive pains, and have no genetic cause.
  • Almost always occur at the same time and do not generate hypersensitivity to light.
  • Usually not as severe as migraines.

There are different ways to deal with this problem. However, natural remedies for headaches are usually the most suitable means. In general, they do not generate unwanted or side effects.

Here are some of the best natural headache remedies:

1. Lemon tea, a great alternative

lemon tea for headache

Lemon has great healing properties.  It detoxifies, purifies, and it is an antioxidant. It is even credited with anticarcinogenic properties.

To take advantage of its properties, we invite you to follow the following recipe.


  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • The skin of 2 lemons
  • The juice of 2 lemons
  • Honey (at your convenience)

What should you do ?

  • Heat the water with the skin of two lemons and boil for 15 minutes.
  • Then turn off the heat, add the juice of two lemons and sweeten with honey.
  • This tea can be drunk cold or hot.

2. Ice, a great help for headache

Applying cold is one of the best natural headache remedies.

What should you do ?

  • Place ice cubes in a bag. This must be able to close completely, to prevent water from flowing out.
  • Then wrap this bag in a clean cloth and place it on the place where the pain is.
  • Apply in 2 minute intervals, with 30 seconds rest, for 20 minutes.

3. Chamomile tea

chamomile tea for headache

Chamomile is another of the plants known for its multiple medicinal properties. To prepare this tea, it is best to use the flowers and always check that they are fresh.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers (10 g)

What should you do ?

  • Heat the water and, when it reaches the boiling point, add the flowers to it.
  • Then turn off the heat and cover for 10 minutes before drinking.
  • The tea should be consumed hot.

A variation is to add a few ice cubes to the preparation.

  • Then soak a clean cloth in this liquid and apply it on the eyelids for 20 minutes.
  • Rest for 20 minutes, then repeat the process.

4. Lavender essential oil

Essential oils are a source of wonderful effects for the body. For headaches, it is advisable to use lavender oil.

It can be used pure, but it has better effects when combined with other substances.


  • 4 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (16 g)
  • ½ tablespoon of argan oil (7 g)
  • ½ tablespoon of almond oil (7 g)

What should you do ?

  • The best formula is to add four drops of lavender oil to a tablespoon of olive oil and then combine the mixture with almond and almond oil.
  • With this mixture, perform a massage at the base of the skull, in the region of the temples and behind the ears.
  • Likewise, it is good to apply a little of this oil on the pillow or on the clothes, as the aroma is healing.

5. Ginger, a natural wonder

Ginger is another of the natural elements particularly useful in curing many ailments and diseases.

In the case of headaches, it acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory.


  • ¼ teaspoon of grated ginger (1 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

What should you do ?

  • Grate a small amount of ginger, no more than half of the nail (¼ teaspoon).
  • Then add this to a glass of boiling water and drink it.
  • This remedy is also useful for migraines.

6. Cold and hot water


  • 1 tablespoon of mustard (10 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of sea salt (40 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

What should you do ?

  • Combine the mustard with the sea salt, then place the mixture in a glass of hot water and stir until well dissolved.
  • On the other hand, take two large containers. In one of them, pour a good amount of cold water and in the other, hot water. Then divide the mixture into each of the containers.
  • Then, introduce your feet, up to the ankles, in each container for five minutes.
  • The operation must be carried out successively, passing the feet from one recurrence to another, until the hot water cools.
  • Always end with the container that contains cold water.

 7. Anti-stress foods and relaxing practices

A good deal of headaches occur due to excessive stress levels.

Therefore, it is important to introduce what are called “anti-stress foods” into your diet. Oats are one of them, as well as products that contain Omega 3. Dried fruits are also very suitable.

Meditation, or disciplines such as yoga, tai chi or reiki are very suitable for individuals with recurrent headaches. They cause a significant reduction in stress.

With these practices, you can eliminate one of the most common factors in headaches.

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