7 Foods That Make As Much Fat As Fast Food

Prepared salads often contain sauces and sides, such as mayonnaise, fried bread or bacon, which can make us fat almost as much as burgers.

Fast food is for many of us an alternative that allows us to not skip meals. It also allows us to avoid spending hours in the kitchen.

However, after ingesting it, one feels a sense of guilt. We know that this type of food contains too many calories and that this is one of the causes of weight gain.

Many people try to avoid any type of fast food. They don’t want to take risks.

However, these people are unaware that there are other foods that make you just as fat as junk food.

You should know that all foods cause alterations in the glycemic index. They are therefore responsible for a greater accumulation of fat in the body.

So, it is good to know what these foods are and how to reduce their consumption, so that they do not affect weight gain.

1. White bread

Many believe that meats, sauces, and other processed foods are unhealthy. But few people think of bread.

It is obvious that the consumption of white bread has a direct link with the accumulation of fat, since it has a high glycemic index.

To consume healthier bread, it is advisable to look closely at the labels and check that it is mainly made from whole-grain flour.

2. The tuna sandwich

In this case, it is important to know that the culprit is not the tuna, because it is an ingredient with very low calorie levels.

On the other hand, additional products, such as sauces and white bread, are bad for the body.

To keep enjoying this food, use wholemeal bread, salad and a drizzle of olive oil instead of sauces.

3. Charcuterie

Processed foods often contain high levels of fat and sodium, in addition to chemical preservatives that affect weight gain and metabolism issues.

Cold cuts are also known as “empty calorie” foods because they have no nutritional value.

4. Prepared salads

In shops and supermarkets, you can buy cans or salads prepared and ready to eat.

These products may sound like good options, but in many cases they are not.

Vegetables in salads can be low in fat and ideal for supplementing the diet.

However, sauces and seasonings can be very high in calories and harmful to the body.

Dishes like bacon salad, cheese, fried bread, and dried fruit are high in calories and should therefore be eaten in moderation.

The ideal is therefore to prepare salads at home with fresh and organic foods.

5. Ice cream

While the goal is to maintain an ideal weight and achieve a slim figure, ice cream is not the best allies. They can be real obstacles to burning calories.

Ice cream contains a lot of calories. But they also contain sugars which eventually build up in the body.

Sugar is one of the most harmful ingredients for your health. Indeed, it increases the glycemic index and alters the functioning of several important organs.

To replace it, it is advisable to eat homemade desserts, made with fruits and vegetables, without dairy products.

6. The nut cake

This delicious cake, which is often prepared for snacking, is very high in calories. It should therefore be consumed in moderation.

Dried fruits such as nuts are recommended for their high nutritional value and their essential fatty acids. However, they contain a lot of calories.

Plus, combining them with flour and other ingredients increases their glycemic index. This can then increase the sugar in the blood.

7. Sushi

Of course, seaweed is very low in calories and is recommended for weight loss.

But when it comes to sushi, it’s different!

The filling of this delicious oriental recipe is made up of foods like mayonnaise, cheese or hot sauce among others, which makes it as high in calories as fast food.

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