7 Baking Soda Recipes To Alkalize Your Body

The current lifestyle accompanied by a poor diet is not good for the balance of our body. We need to find an alkaline balance for our body to eliminate toxins and properly absorb nutrients.

If we analyze things objectively, the majority of dishes and foods that we consume regularly and which give us pleasure have acidifying effects on our body, and this can lead to the development of several types of diseases, which is why it is important to alkalize our body.

Foods like soft drinks, refined flour, cakes, bread, red meat, cold cuts, among others, are delicious and we sometimes have a hard time resisting them.

However, their excessive consumption can generate acidity in our body and this can lead to serious health problems.

Why do we need to alkalize our body?

To explain the importance of alkalizing our body, we must remember that the pH is measured, in our body as in all living beings, on a scale from 0 to 14, from the most acidic to the most alkaline.

For our body to work properly, the ideal is to maintain this pH between 7.35 and 7.45, that is to say a balanced pH, almost neutral. 

Poor eating habits, combined with an unhealthy lifestyle, can contribute to imbalance the pH and make it more acidic than alkaline.

The body therefore has great difficulty eliminating toxins and no longer absorbs nutrients properly. For this reason, it is important to take steps to correct this problem, and to alkalize our body to restore its pH.

Baking soda to alkalize your body

A recipe to relieve digestive acid problems

To relieve stomach acid problems and optimize your digestive health, dilute 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water, and drink one after each meal.

A recipe for alkalizing the blood

To alkalize the blood, perform the same solution as in the previous recipe. But, instead of drinking the mixture after every meal, drink it in the morning and before going to bed.

An apple vinegar and baking soda recipeApple vinegar to alkalize the blood.

The pH of this formula is approximately 7, so it is ideal for regaining good energy.

To do this, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 1/4 tablespoon of baking soda, then drink it up to three times a day on an empty stomach.

A baking soda and lemon recipe

This simple recipe is one of the best ways to alkalize your body quickly to avoid acidity issues.

To do this, extract the juice of a lemon, dilute it in water then add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. Some bubbles will then form, and it is important to drink this mixture before they have worn off.

As a rule, this drink is drunk after a heavy meal, but can also be drunk twice a day.

A baking soda and lime recipe

Baking soda to alkalize the body.

This recipe is prepared exactly like the previous one, but you must replace the lemon with lime.  It has exactly the same benefits and helps balance salt and potassium levels. It is ideal for people who suffer from water retention due to salt.

A recipe for people with high sodium levels

The build-up of sodium in the body can lead to many health problems if steps are not taken to contain it.

This recipe is ideal for salt retention problems, and should be eaten on an empty stomach to avoid suffering from side effects, such as diarrhea for example.

Simply mix 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda, 1/16 teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate and 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid. Dilute the mixture in 1/2 glass of water and drink it twice a day.

A recipe for alkalizing and normalizing other biological parameters

This simple recipe helps alkalize the body and balance the sodium and potassium it contains.

In addition, it is ideal for normalizing many biological parameters. Which help us maintain normal functioning of our body.

To do this, mix the juice of one lemon with a half and half mixture of baking soda and potassium bicarbonate. Consume this mixture twice daily on an empty stomach.

Do not forget !

  • For best results with these alkalizing recipes, consume a lot more water than usual when eating solid foods. The water will help alkalize the food and prevent acidity.
  • Try to eat only one type of food per meal. With only one food from another category as a supplement.
  • Make sure the last meal of the day is light. And try to consume it at least two hours before going to sleep.

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