6 Secrets To Having Healthy And Silky Hair

Hair is part of a woman’s physical assets. Do you want to sport healthy and silky hair? We reveal all our secrets to you here.

There is no magic formula to repair hair damage overnight. Nevertheless, there are some simple and economical tips that help to have and maintain healthy and silky hair. Do you want to know what are these tips?

Beyond the application of beauty products such as shampoo and conditioner, hair needs a lot more attention to stay healthy and be full of vitality. It is, for example, essential to consume certain nutrients. Discover without further ado in the rest of this article what are the other tips for sporting healthy and silky hair.

6 tips for healthy, silky hair

There are many factors that can adversely affect hair health. Direct exposure to the sun, the use of chemicals or even heating devices are some examples.

Nowadays, there are many beauty treatments available to repair damage, but these treatments are not always enough. For this reason, adopting a healthy lifestyle is essential. Ensuring the correct nutrient intake is essential, as are the other tips you’ll find here. Still not sure how to keep hair healthy and silky? Put the tips below into practice!

1. Choose suitable products

Using the right products for healthy, silky hair

Applying improper shampoos and hair treatments can damage the hair. For this reason, it is essential to choose these products according to your hair type (oily, dry…).

Also, it is desirable to avoid products that contain ingredients that are aggressive to the scalp such as sodium lauryl sulfate. It should be borne in mind that the high cost of beauty products does not necessarily mean quality.

2. Take cold showers

This tip may seem irrelevant, but cold showers are very beneficial for keeping hair healthy and silky.

Hot water opens the cuticles of the hair and promotes dryness and hair loss. Cold water produces beneficial effects: it protects the hair and helps maintain hydration.

3. Increase your protein intake

Consuming Protein Helps Have Healthy, Silky Hair

It is not a question of consuming only proteins, but of slightly increasing its consumption in order to keep hair strong and prevent hair loss. Many of us forget that hair is primarily made up of this nutrient, one of the reasons it’s important to get at least 45 grams of protein per day.

You will find protein in the following foods:

  • Lean meats
  • Poultry
  • Fatty fish
  • Legumes
  • Low fat dairy products
  • Eggs
  • Dried fruits

4. Consume omega-3 fatty acids for healthy, silky hair

Adequate absorption of omega-3 fatty acids from the diet is key to stimulating hair follicles and sebaceous glands. So, if you want to sport healthy and silky hair, you need to increase your intake of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Among the foods rich in omega-3, you will find the following foods:

  • Freshwater fish such as salmon, sardines or herring …
  • Seeds and dried fruits
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • Lawyer

5. Avoid excessive washing

Washing your hair every day is not a good thing. This can give you a feeling of cleanliness, but in the long run, excessive washing ends up causing an alteration in the level of natural oil production. It even tends to cause residue from shampoo and other hair products to build up on the hair.

Do you want to sport healthy and silky hair? So, space out the washes: wash your hair at least every other day. If your hair greases quickly, you can use dry shampoos or astringent hair tonic lotions.

6. Limit the use of heating devices

Overuse of heaters on the hair is one of the main causes of hair deterioration. Although these devices can be used to show off pretty hairstyles, over time they damage the hair and alter the follicles.

For this reason, these devices should be used in moderation and remember to apply a heat-protective spray before use. It is also desirable to apply a moisturizer or repairer after use.

Some more tips for sporting healthy, silky hair

To complement the previous tips, here are some other basic tips to keep in mind :

  • gently dry your hair by wrapping the strands delicately so that the towel absorbs the water
  • avoid brushing your hair too much
  • using treatments to protect the hair from the sun and wearing hats
  • perform gentle massages with essential oils with your fingertips
  • apply a homemade mask at least once a week

Is your hair opaque and lacking in vitality? Try out the tips you just discovered and you will see a marked improvement. If your hair is falling out excessively, see a doctor. Hair problems can sometimes be a symptom of an underlying health problem.

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