6 Great Tips To Lower Your Triglycerides For Breakfast

If you want to lower your triglyceride levels, don’t hesitate to include oats in your breakfast. Thanks to its high content of soluble and insoluble fiber, it will help you take care of your cardiovascular health.

On a daily basis, we are often told about the negative impact of cholesterol on our health, but  what happens with triglycerides?

In recent years, they have indeed constituted an even greater risk. It is a type of fat that is linked to our diet and which, almost without realizing it, significantly increases the risk of suffering from a stroke.

It is necessary to take maximum care of our diet and the amount of fat we ingest.

We will thus avoid the production of excess fat in the blood, which can lead to dangerous atherosclerosis, which considerably hinders the flow of blood.

On the other hand, it is important to undergo regular medical checks.

Elevated triglycerides present without visible symptoms. It is a disease that cannot be seen, which leaves no marks, but which nevertheless alters our organism and our life little by little, without our realizing it.

Today in this article we suggest you start taking care of yourself and improving your breakfast in particular.

The suggestions made here will allow you not only to reduce but also to regulate your level of triglycerides.

In addition, you will manage to take care of your heart, your weight and you will have all the necessary energies to start the day.

Toast of rye bread with extra virgin olive oil

To lower and regulate triglycerides, you need this healthy fat that comes from foods like extra virgin olive oil.

  • Its omega-3 intake helps reduce this harmful excess fat in the blood, which tends to harden our arteries or overload the functions of our liver.
  • It is therefore highly recommended to include this recipe for breakfast.

However, remember: the most recommended bread for that spoonful of olive oil is the one that contains whole flours, not refined flours.

2. The fruits of the forest

Fruits and triglycerides.

There is a mistake we make very often when we want to lower our cholesterol and triglyceride levels: we think we need to eat a lot of fruits, whatever they are.

  • But beware of this misconception. The fructose found naturally in fruit can increase triglycerides.
  • So, it’s not about eating a lot of fruit throughout the day, but choosing them well, mixing them well and not overeating.
  • Dried fruits, such as grapes and dates, are not recommended. However, strawberries, blueberries, cherries and raspberries are excellent in this case.
  • They are low in fructose and very rich in vitamin C. For example, you can mix them with a banana, another fruit ideal for reducing triglycerides.

3. Spectacular morning drink to lower triglycerides

Three times a week you can prepare this wonderful drink. The rest of the days, opt for the classic cup of coffee.

But, be careful not to add whole milk or some other type of fat that turns your cup of coffee into an enemy for your cardiovascular health.

Take note of the preparation of this healthy drink.


  •  1 cup of fresh spinach (30 g)
  • 1 apple
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice (50 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of oats (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • The first thing to do is to wash the spinach and the apple well. We must leave him the skin. Cut it in four and remove the seeds in the center.
  • In the blender, all you have to do is add the apple pieces, spinach, lemon juice, a spoonful of oats and a glass of water.
  • Mix until you obtain a very homogeneous drink.

4. Yes to oats

Oats are recommended for almost any diet. The queen of cereals is, without a doubt, an ally for your cardiovascular health: it helps you regulate your cholesterol and triglyceride levels, it takes care of your weight, provides you with energy …

  • The secret of its great benefits are in its contributions in soluble and insoluble fibers.
  • Beta-glucan and mucilages are active ingredients which optimize and stimulate the metabolism of cholesterol and triglycerides. It’s sensational!

5. The avocado-watermelon mixture

Avocado and triglycerides.

Watermelon contains almost no fructose, but multiple vitamins, minerals, water. Mixed with half an avocado, it offers excellent benefits.

  • Avocado is a food rich in omega-3 and 6 fatty acids.

It is recommended to consume a little less than half an avocado mixed with a serving of watermelon. Thus, we obtain fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C.

The key, as always, is in variety and moderation.

6. Apples and nuts

Finally, here is another sensational proposal made from a healthy blend: a green apple with the skin on and cut into pieces, accompanied by a few nuts.

  • It’s very simple, tasty, filling and fabulous to take care of your cardiovascular health.
  • The apple with the skin is rich in antioxidants, pectin and fiber: ideal for combating high triglycerides.
  • Nuts, for their part, are rich in monounsaturated fats, are anti-inflammatory, contain vitamin E, folic acid, magnesium …

Motivate yourself! Prepare yourself a bowl of some nuts and an organic apple and start taking care of yourself today.

In a few months, you will see the results on your analyzes.

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