6 Changes To Enjoy Better Vascular Health In The Legs

To promote cardiovascular health and improve blood circulation, it is good to put your legs as high as possible. To sleep, for example, you can put a cushion under your feet.

Our vascular health is the key to enjoying a good quality of life. 

Visualize your circulatory system as a well-organized internal highway formed by endless veins and arteries. These special highways carry oxygen, nutrients and other elements that make life possible.

If something does not work well then our veins will harden and if a small thrombus that prevents good circulation occurs we are in danger. 

One of the most common problems that can occur on these inland “highways” is peripheral vascular disease.

We are talking about those little damages and obstructions that occur in the veins and arteries that are a little further from the heart.

Varicose veins, for example, are a common venous disorder that must be learned to prevent and treat.

If you suffer from phlebitis or another vascular disease, it is above all necessary to rely on specialists to prevent possible thrombosis.

In case you have a genetic history, vascular spiders, or mildly inflamed varicose veins, you can follow these simple tips to have a better quality of life.

Start taking care of your vascular health today

How many hours do you sit in a day? Sometimes, for work reasons, we have to stay “glued” to our chair.

However, beyond the working hours, a whole world of possibilities opens up where we can put our hearts in motion.

Sedentarism, diet, pregnancy or genetic heredity are factors that determine the appearance of varicose veins. 

However, the good news is that we can avoid them or stop their progress if we put in some effort. Especially if we realize that sometimes small changes allow a better quality of life.

Take note of these simple suggestions.

1. Start and end the day with cold showers on the calves

You already have to do it: take a shower in the morning and in the evening. At such times, you have the opportunity to optimize the blood circulation of your legs.

To do this, do the following:

  • Apply a stream of lukewarm water to your legs (between 36 and 38 ºC) for five or six seconds.
  • Then apply cold water an additional six seconds.
  • Change legs and always finish with a short session of cool water to revitalize the good circulation in this area.

2. Tomato juice for breakfast

Tomato seeds have blood thinning properties that improve blood flow. To benefit from this wonderful virtue, one can do two things:

  • Apply the strips of a tomato on your varicose veins your vascular spiders for a few minutes.
  • When it burns or itches you, remove and rinse with cold water.
  • On the other hand, you can start the day with a glass of natural tomato juice: nothing like it to stimulate blood circulation!
  • Remember that the tomato has a very low caloric index. It is also an excellent diuretic capable of activating our metabolism to help us burn fat.
  • Likewise, this natural tomato juice helps drain fluids and also flush out toxins that inflame us and make us feel tired and heavy.

3. Aloe vera and honey to promote blood circulation and relieve heaviness

To take care of your vascular health, take this natural aloe vera and honey remedy every day.

Thanks to this association, you will be able to reduce the inflammation of your varicose veins.

In addition, the more you take it, the more you will stimulate venous return to fight against heaviness and possible edemas.


  • a spoonful of honey (25 g)
  • a spoonful of aloe vera pulp (15 g)
  • a glass of water (200 ml)


  • You just have to heat the glass of water and when it comes to a boil, add the aloe vera and honey.
  • Mix well and take each day after your main meal.

4. Sleep with your legs a little higher

We now know that to take care of our vascular health, we need to be active and avoid sedentary lifestyle. 

To fight varicose veins, it is also important to keep your legs high for as long as possible.

  • If you work seated, use a footrest.
  • Likewise, you can put a pillow under your legs when you sleep. They only need to be lifted 15 centimeters from the head.

5. Yes to the high fiber diet

To stimulate blood circulation in the body and legs, it is necessary to make changes in its diet.

  • A diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables and grains is essential for taking care of your vascular health. 
  • Also, remember to minimize your salt intake to minimize water retention.

We recommend that you eat the following foods from today:

  • Seeds (chia, sunflower etc.)
  • Cereals (oats, buckwheat, rye bread)
  • Wholemeal pasta
  • Vegetables (asparagus, squash, beetroot, artichoke, broccoli)
  • Lentils
  • Nuts (pistachios, walnuts)
  • Fresh fruits (apples, papaya, pineapple, strawberries)

To conclude, we know that if we are suffering from phlebitis or very inflamed varicose veins, the only solution will be surgery.

However , these tips are good either way. They help to enjoy better overall vascular health.

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