5 Unsung Uses Of Window Cleaners

We’re pretty sure you don’t know all the possible uses for window cleaners. Find out more here!

Some products of daily use can be very useful to us to perform different functions that we would not even have thought of. Here we invite you to discover the different uses of window cleaning products that you probably do not know.

Window cleaner was invented in the 30s of the last century. Originally, this liquid was both light blue and transparent. Today there are different presentations of this product: different colors, different components and different scents.

Thanks to this discovery, we can clean our windows quickly and perfectly. Find out now what are the other surprising uses of this product.

1. Window cleaning products, allies against insects

Window cleaners are also good insecticides: they can help us kill and keep unwanted insects away. You can apply this product directly as if it were an insecticide. The icing on the cake: you will spare yourself the strong unpleasant smell of conventional insecticides.

Moreover, if your window cleaning product contains ammonia, as is often the case, it is even better: it will be all the more effective because this smell is particularly unpleasant for insects. Apply it to window sills and doorways to keep bugs away.

2. An effective way to clean your jewelry

Did you know you can use glass cleaner to keep your jewelry looking like new? Nevertheless, make sure that the material of the jewelry is resistant to ammonia and alcohol.

This product is ideal for restoring all its brilliance to a diamond, for example. But be careful not to let the product act for more than two minutes.

As for the application, you can use a toothbrush, for example. Once the indicated exposure time has elapsed, rinse your jewelry and dry it with a piece of cotton or a towel. That’s it !

3. Good degreasing products …

clean your worktop with glass cleaner

On some surfaces in the house, the grease that accumulates is not always easy to remove. While there are specific degreasers, you can make your life easier by just using your regular window cleaner.

Grease that accumulates on hotplates, in pots, pans, on the counter, in extractors or even in the car can easily be removed with window cleaner.

However, you will need to rinse the surfaces well after cleaning so that no residue of this highly caustic product remains.

4. Window cleaning products, allies to shine floors and earthenware tiles

Yet another surprising use of window cleaning products: this product brings back all their shine to marble and granite floors. You just need to dilute this product in water, just like you would when using a regular floor cleaner.

Warning… This product is however not recommended for cleaning wooden floors or other surfaces sensitive to ammonia.

Likewise, window cleaners are great for shining tiling tiles typically found in bathrooms and kitchens.

In the bathroom, be aware that you can also use window cleaning products to clean the shower tray or the bathtub as well as the bowl. Leave the product to act for a few minutes.

5. Allies against the most rebellious filth

remove stains from clothes with window cleaner

Finally, window cleaners are also good allies against stubborn dirt.

  • They are good stain removers (except on silk or wool). You can remove the toughest stains from most fabrics with window cleaner. It is a perfect ally against tomato sauce stains and blood stains, for example. You can also remove stains from your rugs, unless they are woolen.
  • They are good antibacterials. You can therefore use this type of product to clean your children’s toys and thus eliminate bacteria, for example.
  • Window cleaners remove visible markings from whiteboards.
  • With a window cleaner, you can clean your outdoor furniture and cutting boards.

You now know the different uses of this product, which are all surprising. Thanks to all its functions, you can buy much less cleaning products!

If you wish, you can pour a few drops of essential oil of your favorite scent into your window cleaner.

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