5 Tips To Tone Your Body

In addition to improving your diet, it is essential that you take care with the sun, as overexposure can cause a loss of collagen, firmness, and dehydrate your skin. skin.

Time, an unbalanced diet, are all factors at the origin of muscle relaxation. Here are five tips for toning your body.

We all know it, nothing is more unsightly than flabby arms, or a soft stomach. Sometimes, successive weight changes cause us to lose the elasticity of our skin. Indeed, we lose fat mass, but our skin has trouble keeping up, and loses tone.

Some tips to tone your body

According to some specialists, one of the main causes of muscle relaxation is undoubtedly an imbalance in food.

In fact, when we are looking to lose weight, we follow a specific diet that first causes us to lose water and then muscle mass.

Thus by losing weight, certain areas of our body such as the arms, buttocks, stomach or even thighs, lose tone. We therefore offer you some tips to improve your lifestyle and tone your body.

1. These foods that build muscle and burn fat

tone your body: diet

These two actions combined are essential for losing weight without losing excess water, which would lead to a loss in muscle resistance.

A healthy and balanced diet will bring firmness to your body but also to your bones and your joints thanks to its nutritional contributions. By strengthening yourself with an adequate diet, you will avoid a loss of muscle tone.

Also, remember to always make sure that a diet is losing fat, not muscle mass.

  • Choose the right proteins:

Protein is essential for building muscles. Also, wanting to permanently remove them from your diet thinking that they are causing you to gain weight is actually a big mistake. To keep a varied and balanced diet, you need to include protein in your diet.

The most beneficial proteins are those found, for example, in eggs, lean meats, such as chicken or turkey. Salmon is also an excellent source of protein, as are almonds.

  • Eat apples:

Eaten with the skin on, the apple is without a doubt a great way to consume protein while burning fat.

According to a study from the University of Iowa, ursolic acid present in the skin of apples has an anabolic effect helping to increase the creation of muscle mass, while participating in the destruction of fat.

2. The importance of antioxidants

tone your body: importance of antioxidants

The antioxidants contained in the fruits are very effective in combating the effects of free radicals such as the aging of the skin, and consequently the loss of tone.

In addition, the vitamin C contained in most of these fruits also helps speed up the metabolism. And so to burn fat while sparing muscle mass. Consuming this type of fruit regularly will therefore allow you to strengthen the elasticity of your skin, and while burning bad fats.

So which fruits contain the most of these valuable antioxidants? Red fruits are ideal, as are orange and lemon which will provide you with the collagen necessary to maintain the firmness of your skin.

For example, you can consume these fruits for breakfast in the form of juice.

3. Say no to high fat junk food!

tone your body: no junk food

It goes without saying and we all know it. However, food from fast food chains or supermarkets is sometimes a quick and easy fix when we don’t have enough time.

Or quite simply when in a moment of stress we are looking for a quick way of relief thanks to our favorite food.

 This is a serious mistake! Not only does this type of food promote weight gain, but its high salt and sugar content also promotes water retention which causes us to irreparably lose tone.

4. Protect yourself from the sun

Be honest, does this surprise you? We have long known that the sun is necessary for our health. Since it helps us for example to synthesize vitamin D.

But prolonged exposure to its UV rays can cause collagen destruction, drying out the skin. Consequently a loss in firmness. So avoid exposing yourself to the sun during the most intense hours (between noon and 4 p.m.).

5. Exercises to tone the body

tone your body: abs exercises

If there was only one thing you had to do to strengthen your body and muscles, it is sport! Thus, abdominal curls and stretches will be the best exercises to strengthen your abdominals and your waist.

If you want to firm your legs and buttocks, prefer an hour of brisk walking, cycling, or swimming. These small daily efforts associated with a healthy diet will gradually allow you to tone your body.

Firming your body certainly requires some effort. But nothing is impossible with a little willpower!

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