5 Recipes With Revitalizing Celery Juice

Did you know that celery can help you lose weight while giving you energy? In the rest of this article, we explain how you can incorporate celery into your meals to enjoy all of its benefits.

Some people don’t like celery at all. Nevertheless, it is a vegetable that knows many followers. If so, then don’t hesitate to try one of these celery juice recipes – they’re revitalizing and perfect for starting the day off right!

The properties of celery

You can eat the stem, the leaves or even the root of celery! This allows you to create many preparations in the kitchen.

Among the properties of celery, we can mention the fact that it is an excellent diuretic, and this is also its greatest power. Indeed, celery activates the functioning of the kidneys. It therefore helps to treat certain problems such as gout, kidney stones or insufficiencies.

Thanks to its action, we eliminate negative toxins that accumulate in our body.

On the other hand, it is also proven that celery offers its toning action so that one can have a feeling of well-being and superior vitality. When you mix celery with carrots or tomatoes, for example by preparing a milkshake or juice, you multiply its benefits.

You can also consume celery in the form of an infusion: you should not take more than ten grams per cup of water. This infusion is then drunk after each meal.

Celery to lose weight

As we have pointed out, celery is a great ally for weight loss. This is why he should never be absent from diets to lose weight. In addition, it reduces the risk factors associated with obesity.

You can then consume it in various presentations: for example, the typical salad, or the vegetable soup, without forgetting the juices, smoothies, milkshakes or infusions.

It has been proven that 100 grams of celery gives us only 16 calories. The good thing about this small amount is that you can eat it with a delicious salad.

On the other hand, it has 1.6 grams of fiber, which promotes the purification of toxins from the body. Celery also provides us with magnesium and potassium, two minerals that stimulate the urinary system while eliminating excess fluids.

It is a cleansing, diuretic, low calorie and antioxidant food. It offers us zinc, vitamins A, B, C and D and magnesium. It works effectively to help us avoid the action of bad free radicals. So don’t underestimate the power of this super-potent vegetable!

5 recipes with celery juice

Celery, pear, cucumber and carrot juice

It is a wonderful option for the summer. This juice is ideal for eliminating bloating and fluids that accumulate in the legs (especially in the ankles).


  • 3 stalks of celery,
  • 2 pears,
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 carrot.


  • Wash and peel all the ingredients,
  • Cut them into small cubes and place them all in the blender.
  • If necessary, add water to make everything a little more liquid.

Drink this drink on an empty stomach or in the morning. You can also sweeten with stevia.

revitalizing celery juice

Celery, ginger and carrot juice

This is a delicious drink that will help those who suffer from colds or flu, as well as those who have constant allergies or suffer from hay fever.


  • 2 stalks of celery,
  • 5 medium carrots
  • 1 slice of fresh and peeled ginger.


  • Peel the carrots and then cut them into thin slices,
  • Do the same with the celery.
  • Add them with the ginger in the blender
  • Mix until you get a creamy substance.

You can also add water and a tablespoon of honey!

Celery and pineapple juice

Start your day with this wonderful juice, because it is very healthy and delicious! You can put aside your appetite for a few hours, because this juice will fill you up. In addition, it will give you a large amount of energy to face all the obligations of the day.


  • 1 stalk of celery,
  • ½ cup of water,
  • 1 peeled pineapple slice,
  • ½ cup of crushed ice,
  • 2 tablespoons of amaranth seeds
  • 4 tablespoons of protein powder (optional).


  • Cut the celery into small slices.
  • Add all the ingredients (except the proteins) to the blender to obtain a homogeneous juice.

It is best to let the seeds soak overnight. Drink this drink for breakfast.

celery and pineapple juice

Celery, carrot, and apple juice

It is one of the most famous combinations, and it is often recommended for the skin before going to tan in the sun.

Indeed, this drink delays cellular aging, stimulates liver functions, treats anemia, reduces the effects of pollution and increases the amount of vitamins and proteins in the body.

Ingredients (for two servings)

  • 1 stalk of celery without leaves,
  • 1 apple,
  • 4 carrots
  • The juice of half a lemon.


  • Wash the ingredients well and peel them.
  • Then cut them into several slices
  • Place them in the blender, then mix everything well.

Before drinking the juice, you can add a little milk.

Celery and orange juice

It is an excellent recipe for losing weight. It should be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning.


  • 1 stalk of celery,
  • Juice of two oranges,
  • A few bay leaves
  • A cactus leaf (nopal).


  • Squeeze the oranges,
  • Cut the celery into several slices, as well as the leaf of the nopal cactus,
  • Crush the bay leaf.
  • Place everything in the blender and blend until all the ingredients are well combined.

We recommend that you drink this juice every day for two weeks, then take a break for seven days before starting again.

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