5 Natural Remedies To Treat Athlete’s Foot

Although these remedies are very effective in treating athlete’s foot, you need to be very careful that the infection does not spread to other parts of the body.

Athlete’s foot is a very common health problem, but it is very troublesome for anyone who suffers from it. Fungi often find the perfect place to grow on the feet, so it can be difficult to get rid of them.

There are many treatments that include chemicals, but some people prefer natural remedies. They are less expensive and, in many cases, more effective. In this article, we show you some of them.

What is athlete’s foot?

It is a disease caused by a fungus on the skin that usually lodges between the toes. The shoes indeed create a humid and dark environment which favors the growth of the fungus.

These fungi proliferate in areas like swimming pools, showers, bathrooms or locker rooms. Because these are often facilities frequented by athletes, they often have this fungus on their feet. Hence the name of the disease.athlete's foot

How do you know if you have athlete’s foot?

It’s easy to tell when you have athlete’s foot. The skin usually becomes dry. It has peeling, itching, and even blisters may appear. One may also suffer from pain, swelling and redness in the area.

  • Athlete’s foot usually starts between the toes or on the toenails, but if not treated early enough, it can spread to the soles of the feet.
  • The armpits or crotch can also become infected if they come in contact with the fungus.
  • As this type of fungus survives for long periods of time, there is a risk of spreading to other parts of the body through contact with contaminated clothing or other objects.

What natural remedies can be used to treat athlete’s foot?

Natural remedies are often the cheapest and most effective option for treating fungus, provided they are used on time.

Many of the things we have in our kitchen are very useful, not only for preparing food, but also for treating external ailments like this. Here are some of the remedies you can take advantage of:

1. Garlic

The antibiotic and antifungal properties of garlic make it a perfect ally in the fight against athlete’s foot.

How to do ?

  • To use the properties of garlic, cut several cloves into small pieces and immerse them in a container with water.
  • Introduce the feet and let them soak for about 20 minutes.
  • Then dry them thoroughly with a towel.

Another effective method is to create a paste with crushed garlic and a little olive oil and then apply it to the affected areas.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very useful because its acidity changes the pH of the skin. It is a great help in the fight against fungus on the feet and other parts of the body.


  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • 2 cups of vinegar (500 ml)

How to do ?

  • To prepare the remedy, pour a liter of water and half a liter of apple cider vinegar in a large container.
  • The feet should then be soaked for 20 minutes, then washed with neutral soap and water. Finally, they must be dried thoroughly.
  • It is best to repeat this procedure at least twice a day. For better prevention and better results, pour the mixture into the bath, thus avoiding future contagions.

3. Oregano leaves

Oregano has several medicinal uses, as it has healing properties, thanks to its ursolic and oleanolic acids which provide natural relief when suffering from athlete’s foot.


  • 5 cups of hot water (1250 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of oregano (30 g)

How to do ?

  • To reap the benefits of oregano, you need to pour hot water and oregano into a container.
  • Once cool, soak the feet in the mixture for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure at least twice a day.

4. Aloe veraathlete's foot

It’s no secret that aloe vera has many health benefits. It has antifungal and antiseptic properties which, in addition to protecting the skin, relieve irritation and itching, thus helping to prevent future infections.

How to do ?

Its use is very easy. Just take the pulp from the plant and then rub it gently on the affected area at least twice a day.

For the sake of relief and convenience, it is recommended that you prepare several pieces of your pulp and store them in a container in the refrigerator.

5. Grapefruit seed extract

Grapefruit has antimicrobial and disinfectant properties that are beneficial to the body. Its effects are best if applied to the skin, although it can be administered orally.

How to do ?

  • To use it as a remedy, you need to apply five drops of the extract to the infected area.
  • The process should be repeated at least three times a day for a week.

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