5 Herbal Remedies For Chronic Fatigue

If you are suffering from chronic fatigue, it is very important to avoid certain bad lifestyle habits and to start taking care that will allow you to refuel. ‘energy. Discover in this article 5 herbal remedies that will help you treat chronic fatigue.

Do you experience continuous fatigue, restless sleep and difficulty concentrating? Be careful, you could suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome! Daily activities often lead to a hectic lifestyle marked by stress, which could affect your well-being.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a long-term disorder caused by pain in the muscles of the body, continued fatigue, and great difficulty sleeping. However, these symptoms do not improve with rest.

Stress is mental fatigue brought on by the constant urge to take on daily challenges that exceed the average is not good for your health. These habits can trigger a series of symptoms that diminish the well-being of any person.

Chronic fatigue interferes with a person’s normal, healthy lifestyle. In addition, it complicates everyday and simple tasks. In addition, chronic fatigue could lead to other diseases because the lack of rest decreases the defenses of the body but also of the immune system which causes harmful consequences for health.

Many scientific organizations consider this syndrome to be a current public health problem. Indeed, chronic fatigue is one of the main causes of cardiovascular, kidney and psychological diseases. 

What is chronic fatigue syndrome?

 chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue can be difficult to diagnose because, in some cases, doctors don’t think of it as an illness but as a combination of symptoms. The first step is to see a specialist and, if possible, perform a whole blood test to determine which nutrients are lacking in the body.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized, among other things, by persistent and unexplained fatigue that lasts despite the efforts of the affected person. Considered a neurological disease, it often appears suddenly, causing rapid and significant deterioration in health. It is a non-contagious, genetically non-transmissible syndrome.

The hypothesis of a viral or bacterial infection is increasingly considered, as one can often identify an infection as a trigger. Often an event, a viral or bacterial infection, a physical trauma, can also be linked to chronic fatigue. This infection could later lead to a dysfunction of the immune system in the cells or biochemicals responsible for fighting infections. For some, exposure to certain pesticides or insecticides could be the cause.

It is difficult to establish an accurate diagnosis of chronic fatigue because the causes can be different depending on the case. The doctor will ask you questions about your medical history, your work and family life, the frequency of the symptoms and how they affect your life. After carrying out various examinations aimed at ruling out other diseases, such as anemia and certain infections, the doctor will be able to offer you an appropriate treatment and various treatment alternatives.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue

Myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome also has symptoms that have a significant impact on professional and personal activities. These include muscle and joint pain, and generalized malaise.

All the symptoms of chronic fatigue occur without the doctor being able to link them to any disease. In children, symptoms can vary widely from day to day, but are as severe as in adults. In them, the diagnosis can be made if the characteristic symptoms last for more than 3 months.

Currently, there is no definitive treatment to treat chronic fatigue syndrome. The relief of symptoms will also depend on the follow-up that you establish in collaboration with your doctor.

In addition, strengthening healthier lifestyles such as exercise, good sleep habits and reducing stressful activities helps lead a positive and relaxed daily routine. To avoid chronic fatigue, it is important that we stick to our schedules, both work and rest, that we get enough sleep, and that we engage in physical activity.

To complement the treatment, as always, nature offers us multiple options for treating illnesses and chronic fatigue is no exception. For this purpose, today we present to you in this article 5 medicinal plants against chronic fatigue. Discover them all!

1. Siberian ginseng against chronic fatigue

There are many varieties of the ginseng plant. However, they all have similar healing properties, although the best known is Chinese, Asian or red ginseng ( Panax ginseng ). On the other hand, there is also another fairly popular variety, Siberian ginseng ( Eleutherococcus senticocus).

The Siberian ginseng plant helps to refuel. Ginseng is considered to be an excellent tool for improving physical capacity, muscle strength, and endurance. This is why it is so popular in countries like China and Russia.

Ginseng is a medicinal plant that stands out for its restorative properties. It is one of the best natural remedies we can take when we need a boost, both physically and mentally.

Its common use in many energy drinks demonstrates its benefits against stress. In addition, ginseng increases energy and vitality and also strengthens the immune system.

2. St. John’s Wort for chronic fatigue

St. John's Wort for Chronic Fatigue

The use of St. John’s Wort is recommended to relieve symptoms of chronic fatigue. Fighting insomnia and depression caused by chronic fatigue is another fundamental pillar of treatment. This herb is also effective in relieving nerves and muscle pain.

Used medicinally and widely popularized for its antidepressant effects, St. John’s Wort has many nicknames, the most famous of which is Saint John’s herb. It is a medicinal plant with yellow flowers and contains antidepressant properties. Its use is particularly beneficial for treating anxiety, attention deficit and emotional disorders.

3. Schisandra chinensis against chronic fatigue

Schisandra chinensis is a species of wild tree liana native to northeastern China. Also called the five-flavored seed because the fruit is sweet, the skin sour, the kernel is spicy and bitter, and the chewed leaves leave a salty aftertaste.This plant is used as part of natural medicine for the treatment of stress in countries such as Russia, China, Japan and Korea.

Its Chinese name comes from the fact that the five flavors of Chinese cuisine are found in the plant. Its virtues against fatigue make it an aphrodisiac as popular in China as ginseng. It is a plant that stimulates in particular the central nervous system and promotes a positive response to stress, improving mental clarity and the speed of reflexes.

Its effects are beneficial as a kidney tonic and antidepressant, as they stimulate better physical performance of our daily activities. In addition, its great antioxidant effect optimizes liver functions but also strengthens the immune system.

4. Ginkgo biloba against chronic fatigue

Also called the tree of forty crowns, the silver apricot or Ginkgo, Ginkgo biloba is the oldest known family of trees. Ginkgo has been used in traditional Chinese medicine since ancient times. Among the effects observed, this plant has an antioxidant action and promotes an increase in blood flow, especially in the brain.

Lack of concentration and memory are other fairly common problems in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Fighting them with Ginkgo biloba is a natural and very effective option for restoring mental capacities.

This medicinal plant, widely used in Chinese medicine, helps in particular to improve cerebral circulation. It allows for greater neural connections and helps fight amnesia and aging problems in the brain. Due to its great benefits, Ginkgo is frequently used as a complementary treatment to treat diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, senile dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

5. Licorice against chronic fatigue

Licorice is also another natural alternative to fight against chronic fatigue. It is a herbaceous used in Europe and tropical Asia as a condiment and ingredient in treats and sweets.

Licorice refers to the aromatic extract from the root of this plant. Used in confectionery, it also designates the candy made from this aroma. Its pleasant smell and characteristic sweet taste allow it to be easily absorbed. You can consume it in the form of tablets or infusions to combat exhaustion and fatigue due to the overproduction of stress hormones. Licorice also boosts morale and helps fight depression by reducing symptoms of anxiety.

Chronic fatigue syndrome should not be confused with depression either. Unlike the depressed person who finds no pleasure in anything, the chronically tired person enjoys the pleasures of life, but quickly becomes exhausted, resulting in frustration and a sense of imprisonment.

Optimal treatment of chronic fatigue also relies on emotional support from family and personal care tailored to your situation. To remedy all of this, you will need to correct all the bad daily habits. Also, try to lead a lifestyle that is more harmonious with yourself and your surroundings.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a common and very current disease. The affected person is always tired, he cannot carry out his activities in a normal way. She can suffer from it for prolonged periods, it is very bad for her health. Learn more about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the article that follows.

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