5 Healthy And Low-calorie Foods To Include In Our Diet

No matter how much you reduce your portions and integrate several hours of exercise into your daily life, if you do not eat healthily, all efforts to take care of your figure will be in vain.

Losing weight largely depends on what you eat. You may reduce portions and incorporate several hours of exercise into your day, if you do not eat well, the efforts will be in vain. Do you have doubts about which healthy foods you should eat?

Below we will offer you some possibilities. Take note of them and try to consume them. If some don’t tempt you, try eating them anyway as the results will be worth it.

1. Arugula

The first of the healthy foods we want to recommend to you is arugula. This green vegetable is characterized by a slightly spicy and very special flavor. On top of that, it’s high in fiber, potassium, vitamins A, C, and K. As for calories, it’s barely 4 per cup, making it a great base for smoothies and drinks. salads.

Its nutrients make it a great option for reducing fat and controlling cholesterol. Being rich in antioxidants, it helps preserve natural beauty and fight environmental damage.

You can consume it as regularly as you want. To decrease its taste, you can use a little lemon or combine it with other foods that will neutralize it.

2. Asparagus

Eat eggs

One of the other healthy foods that you should include in your diet more regularly is asparagus. Do you eat it often? If the answer is “not really”, then it will be good to eat more regularly.

The first thing to know is that a cup of asparagus contains around 27 calories, so a very small amount. On top of that, this vegetable is a natural diuretic that removes fluids from your system.

If you have drunk a lot of alcohol or have a poor diet, then asparagus will be a good choice for removing alcohol and accumulated toxins. This vegetable is also rich in vitamin A, E, folic acid, iron and protein.

We know that its taste could make more than one hesitate to consume it. However, you will only need a little time to adjust. The perks you can get are good enough to give yourself a try and give it a try, don’t you think?

3. Broccoli

When it comes to healthy foods, it’s impossible not to talk about broccoli. This is due to several reasons: it is economical, easy to prepare and rich in nutrients. When it comes to calories, it’s barely 31 per cup.

In fact, broccoli is considered a super food, so it is recommended to consume it several times a week. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Also, it is considered to help fight cancer, although you don’t have to have this condition to eat it.

Better yet, broccoli alone is a very complete option. If you want to give it more flavor, combine it with cheese, yogurt and a handful of other vegetables. The result will be a delicious and very nutritious salad without any risk for your figure.

To avoid increasing calories, it is recommended to avoid adding processed seasonings. Choose vegetable oils and yogurt and avoid commercial mayonnaise and salad dressings.

4. Red fruits

Healthy foods: red fruits

Another group of healthy foods are berries, and the best part is that you have several options. Raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries are three good examples and you should consume them as often as possible.

These foods are rich in antioxidants of various types. This is why, they prove to be good fighters against inflammation, cancer and heart problems. In addition, they strengthen your immune system and thus strengthen your health.

  • Half a cup of berries has around 32 calories, so it’s safe to eat them.

5. The tea

Without a doubt, one of the most popular healthy foods of recent years is tea. Knowledge of its benefits dates back a very long time in very ancient cultures, such as those of China or Japan.

Among the most beneficial teas for health, we find green, white, black and oolong teas. Don’t worry about the calories – they don’t contain any unless you add sweeteners, which we don’t recommend.

Depending on the type of tea you choose, you will be able to benefit in one way or another of its benefits. However, be aware that they are all high in polyphenols, a type of antioxidant that keeps your cells healthy.

So which of these foods do you eat frequently? Send us your best recipes.

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