5 Fruits To Reduce Uric Acid

Excess uric acid is a very common problem in most of the population and, unfortunately, can also lead to serious health problems.

 NOT We all normally have uric acid in our blood, but it is very small. Diet plays a very important role in reducing uric acid in our body. This is why we offer you in this article a list of five fruits that can help you lower your acid level.

What is uric acid and why does the body produce it?

Uric acid is actually the product of waste products from our blood, be it dead cells, or the purines from our food. Usually, we all have some level of uric acid in our body, but if we are not careful with our diet, this level can become excessive very quickly.

Our kidneys do not effectively filter uric acid, which then tends to concentrate and cause certain pathologies such as hyperuricemia, which can also be accompanied by gout.

If we don’t control our uric acid level and allow it to rise, we run the risk of it crystallizing in our joints and tissues. This is what we all know as gout, the inflammation of the joints, typically on the fingers and feet, accompanied by its characteristic redness.

And which foods should you avoid at all costs? Overcoming this disease is possible with some effort, especially from a dietary point of view, so avoid red meat (both bought in stores and hunted), alcohol, coffee … 

Fruits recommended for reducing uric acid

1. Oranges and lemons

We love them, it goes without saying. How about starting the day with citrus juice for gout? Perfect ! Vitamin C is just great for reducing uric acid in the blood. Indeed, it breaks up and eliminates the crystals formed by the acid and which adhere to our joints.

Remember that in this group of foods rich in vitamin C are also limes and grapefruits. Also take it into account in order to diversify your daily fruit juices.

2. Apples

apples to reduce uric acid

Tasty apples, no matter whether they are green or red, will help you regain control over your uric acid levels. We recommend that you consume apple juice in particular, for this you just need to peel and cut into pieces three apples and add a liter of water.

Cook for half an hour to obtain a delicious juice that is very beneficial for your dripping problems. Of course, you can take this juice throughout the day. But above all, do not add sugar!

3. Strawberries

If you find any, take advantage of the season to consume it every day. They are rich in Vitamin C, and essential nutrients to get rid of the purines present in your blood, which the kidneys cannot eliminate. You can eat strawberries for breakfast, for example. They are also very good in the form of water, or cooked and passed in a blender with a little water.

Again, don’t add sugar, and don’t take them overripe, as their glycemic index would be way too high for your uric acid problems.

4. Cranberries (or cranberries)

cranberries to reduce uric acid

It is really not easy to find fresh cranberries in many countries , yet they are considered the most beneficial fruits for treating excess uric acid.

If you suffer from gout or hyperuricemia, try to find cranberries, which are rich in vitamin C and anthocyanins will be very effective for your body. For example, you could have the equivalent of a cup of cranberries after your lunch.

5. Cherries

Who doesn’t like cherries? These fruits are great for lowering uric acid and cholesterol. We know that the cherry is a fruit of the season, and that it is quite easy to find it in many countries. Also, if you can buy them at your local supermarket, consume them in the form of juice, for example, in order to treat your ailments.

For this to be effective, you just need to take about ten cherries a day to lower your uric acid level. The best remains to consume them in their natural form: therefore, no pies or jams to appreciate the real benefits!

As you already know these fruits are recommended to reduce uric acid, but the main thing remains that these fruits must also be accompanied by a balanced diet, low in fat and meats. Remember that vegetables are also very good for your health, especially artichoke for gout.

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