5 Dangers Of Emotional Dependence In A Couple

Have you ever experienced an inordinate emotional dependence at some point in your life ? Or have you known someone totally dependent on you, who wouldn’t allow you to have your own personal space?

It is something very common. Indeed, it is important to take it into account, for your emotional health and your life balance.

The dangers of emotional addiction

Loving a person requires reciprocity, care and compromise. We all know that it’s inevitable to be dependent on the person you’re in love with. It is something logical and understandable.

When someone is part of our life in such an intimate matter, it is normal that everything about them, especially what they think and what they say, concern us.

But you need to maintain a balance to preserve your own emotional health, and integrity.

Some give of themselves entirely to the other person, to the point of feeling empty. To transform into a sort of satellite that revolves around a planet, without having a path of its own.

In this article, here are 5 reasons why emotional addiction should be taken very seriously.

Emotional dependence must be considered in a couple.

1. The other’s desires come before your own needs

Be very careful with this theme. It’s quite common that, without realizing it, you can establish a toxic relationship in which the other person’s wants, and whims, come before your own.

The problem is, a lot of times you can do this on your own, with love. Or just because that’s what you want, and you’re just looking to make your partner happy.

However, a day comes when a feeling of frustration arises. Indeed, you realize that it does not bring you anything, that you are not recognized at your fair value. And that your partner took advantage of your emotional weakness to be able to manipulate you like a puppet.

2. Happiness depends only on the person you love

It can happen that your relationship is, so to speak, the alpha and omega of your life. It is the center of your universe, and  you have no plan B.

Your partner has become more important than your family, your job or your ambitions. You put aside your self-esteem to focus everything on the other person.

Is this normal? Absolutely not ! Is this understandable? Obviously, because that’s where the danger of emotional dependence lies.

There is bound to be a day when you realize that you have acted excessively. Or you will feel empty and with low self-esteem.

3. You can’t say no

To say no is to refuse. And to refuse is something that you cannot conceive of when you are in love. How can you refuse anything to the person you love? How to take another path than the one dictated to you by your beloved?

You are afraid to upset him, to annoy him, to torment him, and therefore you leave aside the necessary assertion that you need. That is to say, this need to say things, to defend yourself, to express what you feel, what you believe, your needs.

4. If you are not liked by the other person, you feel like you are nothing.

It might sound a bit far-fetched to you, but a lot of people get to this extreme. They think that if they don’t get their daily dose of love, they aren’t loved. And that if they are not in a relationship, they are not fulfilled, and do not exist as a person.

These are the types of personalities who cannot conceive of a life without a romantic partner. They need to be loved in order to have personal esteem, to be valued. If they don’t feel their partner’s support, they are in terrible pain.

5. The need for control

Emotional addiction is an obsession. On the other hand, an obsession requires control and fuels an atmosphere of suspicion and jealousy.

You have certainly already lived this situation in which your partner becomes truly manipulative, because he is very dependent on you, watches what you do, what you do not do, asks you for incessant proofs of love, reproaches you for not doing not being present enough, etc.

It is a stifling environment which is not very healthy. It creates enormous tension and stress, as well as a lot of emotional suffering.

This type of toxic relationship should be avoided at all costs. Because it can damage your own health, your freedom and your self-esteem.

It is good to love with strength and intensity, but also with balance and maturity. Always keeping in mind that you are the most important to yourself.

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