5 Common Aesthetic Problems That Could Be A Warning Of Something Serious

Even though we know how to make the connection between dark circles, bags under the eyes and lack of sleep, we should know that they can also appear because of a kidney or liver problem.

Everyone has to struggle with several types of cosmetic issues. These indeed affect the quality of the skin, hair and nails.

Unfortunately, constant exposure to the sun, toxins from the environment and many habits of daily life negatively influence our beauty. These cause significant deterioration.

To remedy this, many cosmetic and beauty companies have developed a series of professional products and techniques. They effectively restore our imperfections.

However, what some do not know is that behind the aesthetics, can hide more complex health disorders.

We know that few of you are aware of this. We are therefore going to present to you 5 aesthetic problems that reveal things about your health.

1. Among the aesthetic problems, brittle hair

If you neglect your hair health, you get hair without shine, with split ends and a diseased scalp.

This requires the constant application of nutritious products like shampoo, conditioner and hair toners.

If despite all this, your hair continues to deteriorate, it is essential to pay more attention to it and, if possible, to consult a doctor.

In most cases, hair deterioration results from nutritional deficiencies or diseases such as anemia.

Maybe you are also using too many heat devices or harsh chemicals.

2. Blackheads and acne pimples

Blackheads and acne happen when the pores of the skin are clogged with excess fat and dirt. It is estimated that around 80% of adolescents suffer from it, although it is also common in adulthood.

They appear because of the interaction of certain hormones, with the sebum and bacteria that live on or in the skin.

This can indicate an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands and also a hormonal or stress disorder.

In some people, it comes from drugs or cosmetics in particular. In any case, it is a good idea to consult a dermatologist to be sure of the treatment to adopt.

3. The facial down too thick

Body and facial down is very common in both men and women. It tends to vary in quantity, but in most cases it is very thin.

When it is too thick and appears in visible areas like the upper part of the lips, legs and neck, it is possible that some type of hormonal alteration is causing it.

The medical consultation is very important. This is the only way to find its true cause and the most suitable treatment.

You should know that in 70 to 80% of cases, there is a link with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCS), one of the main causes of infertility in women.

4. Brittle and pale nails among common cosmetic problems

The nails are parts of the body that alert us a lot to the presence of serious diseases.

If they tend to break easily, it is possible that they are suffering the consequences of the constant use of cleaning chemicals or cosmetics.

However, if this is not the reason, you may be suffering from nutritional deficiency or hypothyroidism.

If the problem is discolouration, perhaps it is indicative of liver disease or cardiovascular disease.

On the other hand, if your fingernails start to turn pale or stain, it could be a sign that you are suffering from anemia or yeast infection.

5. Dark circles and bags under the eyes

cosmetic problems and dark circles under the eyes

Both dark circles and bags that form around the eyes are the result of a bad night’s sleep or a bad habit of smoking.

The most complicating factors in the treatment of this condition are the build-up of toxins and excess fluids in the tissues.

If dark circles appear despite good habits and good sleep, it is essential to consult a doctor because they could be caused by kidney or liver disease.

As you can see, many of these disorders that you consider to be a cosmetic problem are a warning signal of disease or difficulties in the body.

Even if this is not always the case, it is good to consider these possible causes to choose the appropriate treatment and thus overcome these aesthetic problems.

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