4 Delicious Foods That Get You Ready For Your Cardio Routine

Although many people think that it is best to perform your exercise routine on an empty stomach, if we are doing cardio it there are foods that can help us get the most out of activity.

Do you do a cardio routine daily or frequently to stay healthy? Are you about to start including one as a recommendation from your doctor? Either way, you should know that there are foods that prepare you for your cardio routine.

The function of these is to prepare your body for activity by giving it nutrients and energy. At the same time, they keep you from feeling out of balance, dizzy, or lacking in energy.

If you’re already on a cardio routine and are hungry, try including one of these options.

You should be extra careful if your routine lasts longer than an hour.  Otherwise, you will not feel any discomfort.

1. Avocado toast

Avocado is ideal for preparing for your cardio routine

The first of the foods that will prepare you for your cardio routine is ideal for those who start early. A very common mistake is exercising before having breakfast.

If you are a healthy person, you may not have any discomfort. However, those living with anemia or diabetes should be more careful. In diabetics, there may be spikes in glucose that make them uncomfortable or listless. People with anemia may also experience dizziness and nausea.

To avoid this, we recommend having this super light breakfast. Whole wheat bread will give you energy and fiber, and avocado will provide you with  healthy fats  and complex carbohydrates as well.

2. Homemade energy bar

The second of the foods that get you ready for your cardio routine is great if you want something sweet. Energy bars are also a great ally for those who lack time to cook.

Their main advantage is that they provide food for multiple groups in a presentation that is easy to transport as well as to consume. The only thing we recommend is:

  • Make sure it’s a natural bar. So it is better that you prepare it yourself.
  • Also opt for bars low in refined sugars. If possible, avoid sugar or go for honey or natural stevia.
  • Watch the portions: These bars are delicious and light, so it’s easy to eat more than you need. To avoid this, eat small portions.

3. Fruit and oat yogurt

This third idea is perfect for any time of the day, since it mixes up sweet, protein and complex carbohydrates, yogurt is really delicious.

Remember to choose natural ingredients and mix them yourself. This will allow you to control the amount of carbohydrates per serving.

The basis of the recipe is yogurt. It is  a food that  improves the intestinal flora  and potentiates the effects of exercise.


  • 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt (240 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of natural oatmeal (15 g)
  • 6 berries (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc.)
  • 1 serving of nuts of your choice (5 almonds, 5 walnuts, 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds, etc.)


  • Mix all the ingredients; It’s ready !
  • If you want an extra touch of sweetness, add for example a teaspoon (7.5 g) of organic honey. If you also prefer to switch the berries for another fruit, remember to pay attention to the portions.

4. High protein smoothie

The smoothie helps prepare the cardio routine

The smoothie is also a food that will prepare you for your cardio routine and is very quick and easy to prepare. We love them because of the variety of options out there.

In that case, choose a smoothie that is  low in fat and sugar, but provides a lot of protein and complex carbohydrates.  One of the good options is:


  • 1 cup of almond milk (250 ml)
  • 5 nuts
  • ½ banana
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder (5 g)
  • 3 drops of liquid stevia


  • Mix everything then drink.

Some Tips When Eating These Foods That Will Prepare You For Your Cardio Routine

  • You can make changes in the ingredients, as long as you look at and stick to the portions.
  • Also watch out for any adverse reactions to the ingredients. If you need more energy or if you feel dizzy, for example, ask your nutritionist what portions to stick to.
  • Consume these foods between 30 minutes and an hour before your routine.  This will allow your body to process them, you will avoid stomach aches and you will get the most out of the nutrients you ingest.
  • If you have a medical problem, also ask your specialist about the precautions to take.

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