3 Ways To Lower Your Cortisol Levels

There are natural ways to lower your cortisol levels and they are all linked to a healthy lifestyle. Body and mind are closely linked, which is why we must seek integral well-being.

Stress has become the habitual companion of many people around the world. Many are therefore looking for methods to lower their cortisol levels, and if possible in a natural way. It is the famous  stress hormone  and  its excessive presence in the body has negative consequences.

To lower cortisol levels, there are ways ranging from psychiatric treatment to commercial products without any scientific support. In truth, a healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent stress. Let’s find out more about it.

Some facts about cortisol

Cortisol is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands and  its function is to prepare the body for situations of danger or threat. It’s part of the survival instinct, and in principle, therefore, cortisol should have healthy and positive effects.

Thanks to this substance, a person activates and concentrates, physically and mentally, to take care of all his daily tasks. Cortisol helps adapt to changes and helps regulate blood pressure and adrenaline levels. It also stimulates good digestion, insulin control and is a natural anti-inflammatory.

So,  the problem is not with the hormone itself, but with its excessive secretion for a long period of time. Stress is responsible for this, which puts the person in a state of continuous anxiety, with multiple consequences for the body. So, how do you lower your cortisol levels?

The adrenal glands.

3 recommendations to lower your cortisol level

Here are 3 recommendations to lower your cortisol levels based on healthy, daily habits that cost nothing, except organization. These are the most natural ways to reduce the harmful effects of this hormone. Discover them!

1. An adequate diet to lower your cortisol level

Diet is one of the most effective ways to lower your cortisol levels. Just as there are foods that increase nervousness or stress, there are some that cause the opposite effect. The most common recommendations are as follows:

  • Eliminate or minimize caffeine:  the latter is not only found in coffee but also in drinks such as tea or dark chocolate. This substance raises cortisol levels.
  • Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates : Scientific evidence shows us that these products are associated with different mental disorders.
  • Proper hydration:  Dehydration increases tension in the body, which leads to stress and, consequently, raises cortisol levels.
  • Eat foods rich in phenylalanine:  this substance is present in various protein foods such as red meats, fish, eggs, dairy products and some whole grains. They promote the secretion of dopamine, which decreases the craving for sugar and carbohydrates.
  • Increase the consumption of other favorable foods:  to lower your cortisol level, it is advisable to frequently consume foods rich in vitamin C and omega 3 fatty acids. The use of artificial supplements should be based on the recommendations of ‘doctor.

2. Sleep, relaxation and exercise

Physical activity and rest are also ways to lower cortisol. A healthy lifestyle involves a good balance between movement and rest. The recommendations are very simple and full of common sense:

  • Good sleep hygiene:  poor sleep is harmful to physical and mental health. Among the negative effects, we find the increase in cortisol.
  • Exercise regularly:  physical activity releases dopamine and serotonin in the brain. This helps to lower cortisol levels. Demanding routines are not necessary: ​​just go for a half hour walk every day.
  • Relaxation techniques: Relaxation  practices are perfect ways to reduce stress levels. Deep breathing, tai chi, and transcendental meditation are some of these techniques.

3. Organize and regulate activities and the mind

One of the main causes of stress is poor time management. The ideal is that a person can carry out his daily activities without having to hurry and with time for breaks and a good rest.

Another common source of stress is bad relationships with others. Frequent conflict or continuous clashes cause tensions that affect mood. Your best bet is to seek and find ways to resolve these issues or move away from their source.

Stress doesn’t always seem to have a definite cause. It can appear before small difficulties or small problems. In this case, it is possible that the cause is deeper and that it comes from an experience that we have not succeeded in assimilating. It would then be necessary to seek psychological help.

A stressed woman.

High stress is not good for your health

A high cortisol level has an influence on the quality of life. This substance has a negative impact on good rest, mood and personal performance. This is why it is so important to lower it and the best way to do it and prevent its increase is to adopt healthy habits, which include diet and routine.

You can put the recommendations we made to you into practice. However, they must be followed gradually, so as not to generate expectations that cannot be met. Every step counts and brings us closer to balance.

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