3 Antioxidant Juices To Fight Premature Aging

Time goes by without our realizing it, and stresses and responsibilities are conducive to the signs of skin aging appearing before we want them to.

From the moment we are born, we start to age, but at some point we realize that it really happens. Each person at their own time:

  • The first time someone calls you madam or sir, the appearance of the first white hair or the day we are in our 30s or 40s.
  • Other people notice the time that passes when they are tired after an activity that they did without a problem before.
  • Or by being in a bar where they often went when they were 20 years old and suddenly no longer felt in their place.

We all lived that moment.

If you too have experienced it, you may have wondered what to do to combat premature aging. There are many solutions: creams, lotions, aesthetic treatments or even surgical interventions.

However, the key lies in the care from the inside, because it is in our body that the cells that suffer from the passage of time live.

For this, we recommend antioxidant juices, which are more popular day by day.

There is a wide variety of recipes, but here we bring you the simplest and most effective for your purpose.

Stay with us to find out how to fight the passage of time in the most natural way possible!

Antioxidant juices to fight premature aging

1. Carrot and asparagus juice

The first of these antioxidant juices contains essential elements to keep our cells young. Its results will result in smooth and shiny skin.

If you are bothered by impurities and cellulite starts to get unmanageable, this is your drink. You will only need to drink one glass per day.


  • 4 carrots
  • 10 asparagus
  • 1 branch of lemongrass


  • Remove the ends of the carrots then cut them.
  • Cut the asparagus.
  • Slice the lemongrass, without the leaves.
  • Then put all the ingredients in the blender and mix until you get a homogeneous juice.

2. Carrot juice and primrose oilaging

Using primrose oil with carrot is a very interesting alternative, because beta-carotene enhances the properties of elemental fatty acids contained in the oil.

It is rich in Omega 6 acids, perfect for cell regeneration and the health of our skin. In addition, it contains vitamin E, whose action increases the beauty of our skin.

To facilitate the fusion of the carrot and the oil, we will also add an apple.


  • 4 apples
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 tablespoon of primrose oil


  • Cut the apple and carrots
  • Place them in the blender alternately.
  • Mix for a few minutes, until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Add the tablespoon of primrose oil and mix.

If you go for this antioxidant juice to fight premature aging, try to drink a glass of it a day.

3. Orange and strawberry juice

Vitamin C is one of the most powerful tools for creating the collagen that the skin needs to appear softer.


  • The juice of an orange
  • 7 strawberries
  • 1 pineapple slice


  • Squeeze the juice from the orange and set aside.
  • Cut strawberries and pineapple to facilitate mixing.
  • Blend until all the ingredients are well combined.

In this case, we recommend that you drink 2 glasses per week.

Take care of your emotional health to avoid premature agingaging

We told you at the beginning that it is important to take care of yourself from the inside. It requires acting against the physical with the help of these juices, but also in favor of your mental well-being.

Excessive worry and anxiety alter our cellular structure. However, it is vital to take care of our feelings if we want to look younger.

Remember when you had time to spare and how you occupied it when you were a teenager?

It’s time to resume activities that you enjoy, that entertain you. Without further ado.

Although it may sound contradictory, strive to be 100% focused on them. Try to forget about obligations and anything that confuses you.

You need time for yourself and only for you, whether it’s dancing, playing sports or having a drink with your friends or family.

If you follow these tips and drink the antioxidant juices to fight premature aging, you will get a youthful and vigorous appearance and body.

The years won’t matter anymore, you will always shine the way you deserve. Age will no longer be a problem, but a set of experiences that will bring you wisdom and beauty.

You just have to take good care of yourself. Don’t you think now is the time?

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