15 Reasons To Consume Raw Garlic

In addition to bringing flavor to all our dishes, garlic has properties that can protect us against multiple pathologies. Since it is a natural food, it will not cause you side effects.

Garlic is a very popular food in the world, scientifically known as Allium sativum . It is part of the onion and leek family.

Since ancient times, this plant has been part of Mediterranean cuisine, thanks to its flavor and numerous medicinal properties, which can be used to prevent and treat different pathologies.

Nowadays, garlic has become indispensable in most of the recipes of the world gastronomy. It is now cultivated all over the world.

However, in addition to being a tasty food, garlic is also a great ally of our health.

Indeed, alternative medicine uses it to prevent and combat the effects of different diseases.

For decades, many studies have looked at the vitamin and nutritional value of raw garlic.

Thanks to this work, we now know that raw garlic is one of the healthiest foods around.

In this article, we are going to offer you 15 ways to use it in a healthy way.

For your cardiovascular healthraw garlic

Garlic helps to regulate the production of bad LDL cholesterol via the liver, and to stimulate the production of good HDL cholesterol.

Thanks to this ability, regular consumption of garlic helps prevent fat from accumulating on the arterial walls and causing dangerous obstruction.

In addition, garlic is vasodilator and helps to have good blood circulation, which prevents suffering from heart problems.

To complement the action of conventional antibiotics

This natural food has a very powerful antibiotic action, which eliminates and stops the action of various harmful microorganisms.

According to various studies, it is even more effective than conventional antibiotics because it does not contain side effects.

To prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Garlic contains important antioxidants which help to slow down the action of free radicals.

This ability helps prevent the most common brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

To control blood pressure

4 cloves of garlic provide a significant amount of allicin, a compound that helps prevent high blood pressure.

To fight against the common coldraw garlic

Consuming garlic helps strengthen the body’s natural defenses and creates a protective barrier against microorganisms that cause colds.

Eating raw garlic at the first symptoms of a cold helps reduce the impact of this disease.

To detoxify the body

Poor diet, environmental pollution and a sedentary lifestyle are factors that cause the body to accumulate toxins and heavy metals.

If these substances are not eliminated, they can cause serious health problems in the medium and long term.

The antioxidants present in garlic help to eliminate the waste contained in the body.

They are particularly effective in combating the toxicity of lead.

For bone health

Garlic helps increase estrogen levels in postmenopausal women to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

However, some scientific evidence is lacking to confirm the validity of this claim.

For a healthy thyroidraw garlic

Eating raw garlic can help regulate the thyroid gland. 

Indeed, this food is very effective in fighting hypothyroidism, because it contains iodine.

To prevent cancer

Many studies have come to the conclusion that daily consumption of garlic has an anti-cancer effect on the body.

This food helps prevent colon cancer and breast cancer in particular, although there is currently a lack of scientific evidence to be able to fully confirm this.

To eliminate varicose veins

In addition to being unsightly, varicose veins represent a health problem that should be taken care of.

Raw garlic stimulates blood circulation and helps fight this problem.

To fight back pain

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, raw garlic is a food that helps reduce back pain, as well as other types of muscle pain.

To benefit from this effect, you just need to  dilute 5 drops of garlic tincture in a glass of water.

To heal woundsraw garlic

Thanks to its antibiotic properties, raw garlic is recommended to prevent the formation of infections in wounds and scratches.

Chop a clove of garlic and then apply it to the affected area to benefit from this effect.

To relieve burns

To cure sunburn or burns caused by fire, it is recommended to apply a garlic paste and leave it to act for 20 minutes.

This ingredient will allow the skin to regenerate, soothe and prevent the formation of scars.

Raw garlic to fight stomach ulcers

To relieve stomach ulcers, it is recommended to consume 4 or 5 cloves of raw garlic per day, for a full month.

To fight arthritis

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, garlic is an ingredient that helps reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness caused by arthritis.

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