15 Interesting Facts About Dreams

Find out 15 interesting facts about dreams here. Don’t miss out on these amazing facts! 

Have you ever wondered why some people dream and others don’t? Or how long do we dream each night? In the rest of this article, we bring you the most interesting facts about dreams, facts that you absolutely need to know.

Dreams fascinate many people, both on the side of women and men. And this, since the dawn of time. But around the dreamlike representation, there are many doubts. That is why we have decided to reveal some interesting facts on the subject below. These facts will undoubtedly leave you speechless.

1. We all dream

A woman's dreams

Whether or not you remember your dream, you are dreaming, because we all dream. Some of us are able to remember one or more dreams, while others cannot.

2. Sleep paralysis

This is not a nightmare, but a condition that thousands of people suffer from around the world. Sleep paralysis prevents a person suffering from it from making any voluntary movement for a certain period of time, usually between the state of sleep and the state of wakefulness.

3. We spend 6 years of our life dreaming …

… Not to mention the time we spend daydreaming. Each night, we dream several times for a period of time ranging from five to twenty minutes.

Taking into account the current average life expectancy, we can say that we spend six years dreaming.

4. We forget our dreams a few minutes after we wake up

Most of us easily forget our dreams. Have you ever told someone a dream that gradually, as you told, grew blurry in your mind? The reason is this: the way we process information and store it in memory is different from the way our mind dreams.

5. Some dreams come true …

We are referring here to the famous premonitory dreams. There is no scientific explanation for these dreams, but there are many examples.

  • Abraham Lincoln dreamed of his assassination
  • Some people dreamed of the sinking of the Titanic
  • Some victims of the twin towers attack dreamed of a disaster

6. Some of the most famous inventions in history exist because of dreams

You read that right… Some inventors changed reality as we knew it at one time based on their dreams.

This is the case, for example, of Larry Page, the creator of Google, of James Watson, the biochemist who discovered the double spiral of DNA and of Elias Howe, the inventor of the sewing machine.

7. Dreams of men and women are usually very different

Some studies show that women mainly dream of their relatives or friends in known situations. Men generally have more aggressive dreams, in which meetings between problematic men dominate.

8. Our brains don’t rest at night

Sleep is associated with rest and peace. We then have the impression that our brain “turns off” when we sleep. However, this is not the case: the brain remains active during sleep, which is the reason why we have dreams.

9. Some people dream in black and white

Most of the time, we dream in color. But some of us dream in black and white. It is also possible to dream in black and white occasionally. Has this ever happened to you?

10. Most people fail to read in a dream

A woman in her dreams

Have you ever dreamed that you were reading? Or taking an exam at school? In a dream, reading is not a simple activity. There are many people who fail to do so. This is why so many people dream of failing their exams.

The same phenomenon occurs when we try to tell the time.

11. Animals would dream too

This fact has not yet been verified. And verifying such a hypothesis is rather complex. Nevertheless, it would seem that animals are dreaming.

Have you ever seen your dog wag his paws and whimper while he slept? These movements seem to indicate that he is dreaming!

12. Sometimes it is possible to direct your dreams

Lucid dreams are situations in which we are aware that we are dreaming and in some way are able to manipulate the content as we see fit.

13. We tend to have more negative dreams than positive ones

Experts ignore the reason behind this fact. Nevertheless, several studies have concluded that negative dreams are generally more common than positive dreams. Some emotions like anxiety, fear, and hopelessness appear repeatedly in dream studies, while happiness or love do not.

14. Blind people dream too

The fact of not seeing does not prevent dreaming. Moreover, many blind people dream in pictures. Others do it through their senses such as touch, smell or even hearing.

15. We only dream of familiar faces

Know now that if you dream of someone chasing or attacking you, that person is someone you know or have seen before.

Did all of these sleep facts surprise you? We are sure you will be thinking about all of this when you go to bed tonight. Sweet dreams !

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