10 Super Foods For The Brain!

Eating a healthy and balanced diet that includes these foods, along with other fruits, vegetables, fish and meats, will keep our bodies in peak condition. Remember to drink two liters of water a day.

The brain is the great director of our body! It is made up of millions of neurons which respond to a multitude of impulses coming from the outside. Its operation is so complex that today there are many more doubts than certainties as to the extent of its power!

Nevertheless, many diseases slowly destroy it. A long time ago, only the elderly were affected by this type of problem. But today,  there are many cases in younger people. 

Fortunately, you can easily help your brain stay healthy and clear-headed for longer!

So that you can help your brain maintain its capacity for longer, we are therefore going to recommend a list of superfoods for you. The latter includes the best foods for good health from the “director” of our organism.

The blueberries

This superfruit is useful for nourishing the whole body. Its benefits help prevent or slow down degenerative diseases of the brain, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Blueberries are also a powerful antioxidant.

The dried fruit

Dried fruits for the brain.

They provide us with various minerals and vitamins. These include phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, group B vitamins and vitamin E.

These dried fruits are real allies:  they allow us to maintain good cardiovascular health. This means that there is a good supply of blood and oxygen in all the organs, and therefore of course in the brain.


It exhibits antioxidant properties which help prevent premature aging and deterioration of our health.

Plus, avocado contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are designed to protect our brains from premature wear and tear.

The tomato

The tomato for the brain.

Tomatoes contain a substance called lycopene. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, the latter has proven to be very useful in the prevention of many diseases!

It protects us from many types of cancer and possible strokes.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds promote the functioning of neurons and also improve brain activity. These seeds are considered to be the greatest source of omega-3 that can be found in nature.

They prevent tissue aging and keep functions intact for longer!

Olive oil

Olive oil for the brain.

It has powerful antioxidant effects on tissue protection. It thus prevents damage caused by free radicals. Let’s not forget that these lead to different diseases such as cancer.

Olive oil also has healthy fats that help protect the heart. It therefore allows for optimal blood circulation and thus nourishes all the cells of the body so that they can function properly.


Fish are a rich source of phosphorus. This mineral helps build the brain, and in particular improves memory.

Eat fish regularly, especially the so-called blue fats. Their high content of omega-3 fatty acids will help you protect the health of your heart and that of your brain!

Green tea

Green tea for the brain.

It is a great antioxidant, and it helps prevent heart disease and diseases that affect the brain. In addition, green tea helps preserve memory, and it prevents damage caused by the passage of time. It also helps us protect our cells.


When consumed in moderation, of course, cocoa can help our brain health. Indeed, it contains antioxidants that prevent premature aging of the body and its cells.

It also prevents heart disease. Cocoa is also rich in magnesium, a mineral that helps in the nutrition of our nervous system.

Broccoli for the brain

Broccoli for the brain.

Broccoli contains nutrients that have the ability to improve memory and also help keep the brain healthy.

It also has properties that help protect the heart.

In summary

All of these foods have the ability to help improve or maintain your brain function. Therefore, you should include them in your diet,  and this goes for your whole family!

Eating a healthy, balanced diet will keep your body in good shape for much longer. So don’t hesitate!

Choose naturalness in your daily life,  and you will quickly see the benefits.

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