10 Signs That You Are Exercising Too Much

When we exercise too much, it is possible that even though we are tired, we cannot sleep well. This is due to an overproduction of cortisol due to excessive physical activity.

Sport and exercise are very good for your health and no one can deny it. Unless you exercise too much.

Many people obsessed with their figure spend many hours in the gym, ignoring muscle pain or fatigue.

In this article, we are going to see what are the main signs that indicate that you are exercising too much.

Too many exercises: the body rebels

Loving sports is perfect because you will never suffer the consequences of sedentary lifestyle and being overweight.

However, as it is often said, “extremes are not good” and spending hours and hours in the gym can be bad for your health and even counterproductive for the results you want.

At some point, the body rebels  because the intensity and amount of activity is too excessive.

This mostly happens to people who are in good shape because they become obsessed with their body and want every gram of fat to go away or more and more muscle to be formed.

In general, daily exercise sessions should not exceed 60 or 90 minutes.

As for the weekly repetition, it is recommended a maximum of 5 times. The most important thing is knowing when to stop.

How do you know? By paying attention to the signs the body is giving us.

Signs of over-exercising

Signs of too much exercise.

Whatever your goal or type of workout, you will gradually increase the speeds or intensities of the exercise.

However, at some point your body will ask you to reduce the effort.

How? ‘Or’ What ? Thanks to these signs:

1. Recovery is slower

This is a clear sign that “we have done too much” and that we are training too much.

If you have difficulty breathing for several minutes, feel low on energy, or have unresponsive legs or arms, perhaps you should cut back on the exercise a bit.

The lack of recovery is also noticeable when there is pain right after finishing the exercises or if you drink more than two liters of water and you are still thirsty.

2. Resistance decreases

Too much exercise and loss of stamina.

When training is very frequent, the defenses weaken rather than strengthen. Therefore, we need more time to regenerate “injured” muscle fibers during exercise, as well as to heal from a common cold.

Maybe you got sick and took longer than usual to recover. This is another sign of too much physical activity.

3. The pulsations increase in the morning

When we exercise a lot, the heart rate changes. Take your heart rate while resting and before getting up every morning.

  • If they are higher in the early hours of the day, it is a sign that you are exercising too much, since the body is not recovering as it should.

4. It is more difficult to sleep

Sleep when you exercise too much.

Insomnia is a common problem for those who train a lot. The body produces excess stress hormones when you exercise excessively.

Therefore, when the night comes, it is more difficult to fall asleep even if you are very tired.

5. You suffer from extreme and persistent pain

When a part of the body hurts even at rest (for example, on weekends), we should automatically stop exercising.

  • It is usual for this to happen when the workouts are too demanding, repetitive and followed (without leaving days of rest).
  • Cramping, tingling or twitching is more present when the muscles are overloaded.

6. You feel general fatigue

Too much exercise and fatigue.

Beyond the muscle fatigue that too much exercise can cause, we lack the strength or energy to perform other daily activities (working, studying, playing with children, cooking, etc.).

If you have problems with concentration, performance, or memory, it may be because you are spending too much time at the gym.

7. You get no results

If your goal was to lose weight, but for a few weeks you are at the same point even though you have increased the daily demands, it is because of this change.

When the body is overworked, the metabolism slows down and we have a harder time losing weight.

8. A bad mood wins you over

Too much exercise causes a bad mood.

One of the signs that you are exercising too much is that you are still irritated, brooding, and angry.

While training reduces stress and allows us to release tension, when we exceed the norm we get the opposite effects.

  • Instead of going to the gym, it would be better to opt for a more relaxing activity like a good bath, watching a movie or sleeping.

9. No more sadness and frustration

Some people who train a lot are often depressed and have lost motivation from the first few days. This is because the results take longer to appear and it seems that all the effort is wasted.

Frustration and sadness are not overcome with too much exercise, but with rest and other activities.

10. Other symptoms

Other symptoms of too much exercise.

There are many other signs that show excessive training, such as:

  • Not always being at the same level
  • Have a feeling of heaviness in the extremities
  • Be more anxious
  • Increase hydrate intake
  • Use more products to lose weight or build muscle

It is very important not to confuse sports drinks with energy drinks. While the former help us recharge with minerals, the latter contain stimulants that can cause nervous problems.

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