10 Foods That Hydrate The Skin

In addition to containing 86% water, apples help us prevent cancer, and reduce the risk of suffering from heart disease or Alzheimer’s.

There are foods that hydrate the skin. This is because the foods you eat have a big impact on the condition of your body.

They thus regulate your body temperature, affect your digestion, positively or negatively, and influence the health of your organs.

Just as it is important to keep your body in optimal condition, the skin must be cared for, that is to say constantly hydrated in order to be beautiful and healthy.

Hydration is what your skin needs the most. So, even if you are not thirsty, do not hesitate to drink often, in order to reduce the risk of diseases, drops in blood pressure, but also to burn fat quickly.

It is also very important to limit your salt intake, since sodium retains fluids and makes it harder to expel toxins.

Hydration does not only include food in its liquid form. You can consume liquids, as long as they have been prepared with water (such as juices, teas, broths, soups etc.) or solids.

Some foods are composed almost exclusively of water. Discover 10 foods that hydrate the skin.

The cucumber

 Cucumber slices among foods that hydrate the skin

Cucumber is 96% water, is only 17 calories, and offers important nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, and fiber. It is ideal for digestion.

It is recommended to consume it raw in order to take full advantage of its benefits. This is  why it is part of the list of 10 foods that hydrate the skin.


In addition to helping digestion, papaya provides the body with energy to repair and shine the skin. Thanks to its abundance in vitamin A, it helps to maintain good health and to make the various organs function optimally.

The watermelon

Watermelon, rich in vitamin C, is ideal for hydrated skin and for good immune defenses. It contains 92% water and therefore reduces the risk of heart disease or cancers such as prostate, ovaries, cervix, mouth, pharynx, esophagus, lungs and breast. pancreas.

You can take it on an empty stomach to help the digestion process. Eating it plain allows you to get the most of its virtues. Yet another fruit among the foods that hydrate the skin.

The tomato

Tomato juice

Composed of lycopene (a powerful antioxidant), the tomato is a great protector of the skin. It makes it possible to fight effectively against aging and acne.

It contains 94% water and contains only 20 calories. It is a fruit rich in potassium, phosphorus and vitamins A and C.


The apple contains 86% water. Eating an apple a day is highly recommended because it provides the body with the necessary fibers. Powerful antioxidant, it decreases the growth of cancer cells, reduces the risk of falling ill with Alzheimer’s disease or suffering from heart pathologies.

The green vegetables

 Green vegetables

Spinach and salad are 95% water and are rich in vitamin A and C, vitamins specializing in skin care. They are made up of minerals, antioxidants, and nutrients that aid in detoxification. Eliminating toxins and impurities from the skin, they also prevent cancer, help preserve eyesight and memory.

The kiwi

A kiwi fruit, made up of 83% water, provides the body with more than double the necessary dose of vitamin C per day. Filled with fiber, it’s great for regulating cholesterol and blood pressure. It also decreases the risk of clotting and lowers blood lipid levels.


Grapefruit has the same qualities as tomato thanks to its high lycopene content. Powerful antioxidant, it keeps the skin luminous and is a good bulwark against acne.

Coconut water

Coconut water

Coconut water is very hydrating: it fights the signs of old age and is good for digestion. It promotes the reconstruction of the skin membranes and leaves the latter soft and radiant.

The Orange juice

Orange has 88% water, is rich in potassium, vitamin C, calcium, folic acids and provides the nutrients necessary for the preservation of the skin.

Remember that eating healthy is essential to staying healthy. There is no need to sacrifice because these tasty fruits and vegetables are easy to include in your eating habits. Especially at snack time, or as a snack to calm sudden cravings for sweets.

And there you have it, now you know the list of foods that hydrate the skin!

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